9 months ago

Eastern Cape Business 2024

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  • Renewables
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  • Ports
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  • Mandela
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  • Cape
The 2024 edition of Eastern Cape Business is the 17th edition of this successful publication that, since its launch in 2006, has established itself as the premier business and investment guide for the Eastern Cape. The Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC) is supporting this issue of the journal, both in providing up-to-date information for editorial use and in sharing information about its activities. It will also distribute the journal through its regular channels. While the Eastern Cape has deservedly earned the title of South Africa’s wind energy province, there are other developments taking place in East London, the Coega SEZ and near Humansdorp that promise to give new meaning to new energy. Vanadium batteries, green ammonia and green hydrogen are among the aspects that form part of the Special Feature on energy that appears in this journal. The centenary of the massively important automotive industry is celebrated with reference to Ford Motor Company’s start in the “Auto City” of Port Elizabeth, as it was known, in 1924. The province’s two Special Economic Zones are attracting investors and exports are on an upward trajectory, which will be helped by upgrades of the Eastern Cape’s three ports. Overviews are provided on the other key economic sectors of the province and the potential of the oceans economy and the prospects of oil and gas for this coastal province are examined. The major business chambers in the province have made contributions to the journal and the newest chamber, the Maritime Business Chamber, which has its headquarters a short distance up the hill from the Port of Gqeberha, makes its second appearance in the journal.

Making an impact

Making an impact Amadlelo Agri is bringing hope, jobs and food security to rural communities. Amadlelo Agri has prioritised the creation of thriving and sustainable communities as part of its Strategic Plan 2024-2030. The plan will nurture black talent, strengthen Amadlelo’s balance sheet, build on existing dairy capability, diversify income and further enhance strong community relations. Amadlelo Agri has built a portfolio of sustainable businesses that tackle food security and bring financial rewards to approximately 3 000 direct beneficiaries and 10 000 indirect beneficiaries. Milk is currently bought by 80 SMMEs but growing small-scale farmer procurement through the shared-value approach is a priority for the future. All of the milk produced by Amadlelo Agri farms is delivered to the dairies of Danone and Sundale. FORT HARE DAIRY TRUST Location: Alice, Eastern Cape, on land owned by the University of Fort Hare. Now a thriving 216ha farm, this was the first Amadlelo agricultural project which was launched in 2007. Production: 700 milk cows produce 10 000 litres of milk per day. Beneficiaries: Amathole farmers, students, farm managers Impact: Amathole farmers supply the project with feed, 18 staff are employed, students gain from being exposed to a working farm for research and training, farm managers are given assistance to build up their own herds. MIDDLEDRIFT (PTY) LTD Location: Middledrift, Eastern Cape. In partnership with the National Empowerment Fund. The business model of this operation is under review. Production: 383 milk cows on a 165ha farm. Beneficiaries: The dairy operation is on previously unused land belonging to 65 Middledrift beneficiaries. Impact: 18 community members have been employed as workers which brings the total impact to 108 people in the area. The impact has been calculated on a multiplier effect of six, that is, for every worker, six more people benefit. FORT HARE PIGGERY TRUST Location: Alice, Eastern Cape. A partnership with the University of Fort Hare and Number Two Piggeries (N2P). Production: A 1 000-sow breeding unit and a fattening unit that produces 400-500 baconers every week Beneficiaries: University of Fort Hare and university workers Impact: The Pig Improvement Company (PIC) has ranked the Fort Hare Piggery Trust as the top piggery of its type in the country. EASTERN CAPE BUSINESS 2024

SEVEN STARS TRUST Location: Keiskammahoek, Eastern Cape. In partnership with Seven Stars Primary Producers Cooperative, the Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR). Production: 734 cows produce milk on 750ha. A cheese-processing facility will be revived. Beneficiaries: 36 farmers Impact: Employs 62 local people; total impact 372 people. Ms Lutho Makase, a general farm worker, tells her story: “I became part of the Seven Stars Dairy in September 2018, I am a milker. My journey so far has been the best. Management is very kind and I work with good people. My dream is to show the nation that women can do anything by themselves. It is only in ancient times that men were the only ones to milk and look after cows. It is not the case today.” NCORA DAIRY TRUST Location: Ncora, Eastern Cape. Production: 2 056 milk cows produce 29 500 litres of milk per day on 664ha Beneficiaries: More than 1 200 members of Ncora community in 10 villages, each of which runs a co-operative Impact: Employs 86 people. In 2022 Danone Southern Africa signed a multimillion-rand agreement with the trust which is designed to boost the regenerative agricultural model. NCERA MACADAMIA PROJECT Location: 35km from East London, Eastern Cape. Joint venture with the Ncera community, national Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD),Kula Development Facilitators, TGK Farming. Production: 180 hectares on the 300ha farm have been planted Beneficiaries: 10 000 community members, including support for local schools Impact: Employs 300 local people; total impact 1 800 people. ■ SHILOH DAIRY TRUST Location: Whittlesea, Eastern Cape. In partnership with the Mayime Co-operative and the DRDAR. Production: 900 cows produce 13 000 litres of milk per day on 400ha Beneficiaries: 300 members of the Mayime Co-operative Impact: Employs 27 local people; total impact 162 people. 37 EASTERN CAPE BUSINESS 2024

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