3 months ago

Gauteng Business 2025

  • Text
  • Sadc
  • Africa
  • Southafrica
  • Sustainability
  • Port
  • Inland
  • Exports
  • Infrastructure
  • Sectors
  • Investment
  • Business
  • Economy
  • Ggda
  • Johannesburg
  • Innovation
  • African
  • Provincial
  • Manufacturing
  • Sector
  • Economic
The 2025 edition of Gauteng Business is the 15th issue of this highly successful publication that has established itself as the premier business and investment guide for the Gauteng Province. In addition to the regular articles providing insight into each of the key economic sectors of the province, a special feature on the national and provincial policies underpinning Special Economic Zones is included in this edition. SEZs form an important part of the strategy of the Gauteng Growth and Development Agency (GGDA) in promoting sustainable economic growth across the province’s designated development corridors. This edition of Gauteng Business is supported by the GGDA, which is the implementation arm of the Gauteng Department of Economic Development. All of the main economic sectors of the provincial economy are reviewed, ranging from agriculture, transport and logistics, energy and manufacturing through to education and training. A plan to develop a large solar farm in the western reaches of Gauteng is proceeding, with mining company Sibanye-Stillwater having made land available for the project and various contractors having been identified to carry the project forward. In addition, the Provincial Government of Gauteng has revived an inner-city open-cycle-gas turbine and has begun a programme of equipping schools and medical clinics with solar panels. To complement the extensive local, national and international distribution of the print edition, the full content can also be viewed online at under e-books. Updated information on Gauteng is also available through our monthly e-newsletter, which you can subscribe to online at, in addition to our complementary business-to-business titles that cover all nine provinces as well as our flagship South African Business title and the new addition to our list of titles, The Journal of African Business, which was launched in 2020.

PROFILEA catalyst for

PROFILEA catalyst for growthThe Gauteng Growth and Development Agency (GGDA) driveseconomic growth, promotes exports and facilitates investments.The AIDC manages the Automotive Supplier Park (ASP) in Rosslyn, Pretoria.The Gauteng Growth and Development Agency (GGDA) isguided by principles and policies aligned with provincial andnational goals.VISIONTo be the premier catalyst of innovative, sustainable andinclusive growth and socio-economic development withinthe Gauteng City Region (GCR).The GGDA vision is to become the:• Best agency to work for, in terms of personal growth anda caring culture• Most agile agency with highly motivated and skilledemployees• Centre of excellence for infrastructure development andtrade and investment promotionIn achieving the above vision, the GGDA aims tocreate an enabling environment for economic growthand development. The above is achieved throughmicroeconomic intelligence, trade, exports, investmentfacilitation and economic infrastructure development.VALUESIn working towards the achievement of the vision andmission set out above, the GGDA subscribes to internalvalues, which are aligned to the Batho Pele principles.The Gauteng Growth andDevelopment Agency (GGDA)is committed to creating aninclusive and transformed Gautengeconomy that attracts foreign and domesticdirect investment, develops sustainableenterprises and strategic economicinfrastructure, and enables the growth ofexports to the continent and beyond.As the implementing arm of theGauteng Department of EconomicDevelopment (GDED), the GGDA providesa seamless one-stop shop service aimedat unlocking investment and expansionopportunities for local and globalbusinesses, while facilitating the ease ofdoing business.SubsidiariesThe GGDA mission is carried out througha range of subsidiaries that strategicallydrive growth in identified sectors.• The AIDC manages the AutomotiveSupplier Park (ASP) and providesservices to the automotive sectorand the automotive originalGAUTENG BUSINESS 202510

FOCUSequipment manufacturers (OEMs). The AIDCprovides assistance through automotiveinvestment facilitation, skills developmentand training, incubation programmes andsupply-chain development.• The Innovation Hub (TIH) is the first Science andTechnology Park (STP) operated to internationalstandards in Southern Africa, establishedwith a view to spurring the development ofsmart industries (high-technology sectors) inGauteng. TIH’s role in the provincial innovationecosystem is to be a catalyst for innovationand a key knowledge economy driver, in linewith the Gauteng Growth and DevelopmentStrategy.• The core purpose of ConHill is to add to therejuvenation of the Johannesburg Inner Citythrough the development and promotion of theConHill Heritage Project.• The Gauteng Industrial Development Zone(GIDZ) is the agency which operates andcontrols the Special Economic Zone set uparound the OR Tambo precinct. This SEZ wasestablished to support industrial developmentin Gauteng Province with a specific focus onmineral beneficiation and export-oriented,value-added industry, concentrated around ORTambo International Airport, in Ekurhuleni.• The Vaal SEZ is established to develop a multisector,multi-site Special Economic Zone (SEZ) inthe Vaal Region (Sedibeng District) with the aimto regenerate the area, support new economicactivity and build on the historic competitivestrengths and skills base of the area.Economic opportunities within the five development corridorsof the Gauteng City RegionCENTRAL CORRIDORConstitution Hill precinct development; inner-city regeneration; creative industries;Transwerke Studios; education; heritage; tourismNORTHERN CORRIDORNORTHERN CORRIDORThe Innovation Hub (smart industries, green economy, bio-economy); AutomotiveSupplier Park; automotive hubs across province; automotive skills training; supplierdevelopment; SMME incubationWESTERN CORRIDORBus manufacturing; solar energy; green hydrogen; cannabis; commercialagriculture; expansion of Lanseria Airport; logistics; planned hi-tech SEZCENTRAL CORRIDOREASTERN CORRIDOREASTERN CORRIDOROR Tambo SEZ; jewellery precinct; minerals beneficiation; high-value exports;logistics; aerospace; avionics; advanced manufacturing; agro-processingWESTERN CORRIDORSOUTHERN CORRIDORVaal SEZ; hydrogen; renewable energy component manufacturing; batteryenergy storage systems; blue economy; agro-processing; cannabisSOUTHERN CORRIDOR

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