FOCUSCorridors to growthFive corridors are ensuring that all parts of Gauteng thrive.Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni, the corridormodel extends the idea of focussed growth tothe Western Development Corridor (aligned tothe political authority of the West Rand DistrictMunicipality) and the Southern DevelopmentCorridor (the Sedibeng District Municipality).The Gauteng Growth and DevelopmentAgency (GGDA) has established subsidiaries withincorridors to drive development programmesspecific to that area.The Northern Development CorridorThe City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipalityencompasses Atteridgeville, Bronkhorstspruit,Centurion, Cullinan, Ga-Rankuwa, Garsfontein,Hammanskraal, Irene, Mabopane, Mamelodi,Pretoria, Pretoria North, Rayton, Refilwe,Roodeplaat, Soshanguve and Winterveldt.GGDA subsidiaries in the Northern Corridorare The Innovation Hub and the AutomotiveDevelopment Centre (AIDC).The automotive sector, research anddevelopment, innovation and the knowledgebasedeconomy are the key elements driving theeconomy of the Northern Corridor. Successfulprojects include the Automotive Supplier Park, theTshwane Special Economic Zone and the Auto City.The Jewellery Manufacturing Precinct in theOR Tambo SEZ is booming.Five geographic corridors have beenconceptualised as a framework to growthe Gauteng economy in a sustainable andequitable way.Building on established routes connectingmajor centres, the corridor concept allows fortargeted interventions in specific areas anddesignated sectors.With the province’s three large metropolitanareas already providing a focus for developmentin the metropolitan municipalities of Tshwane,The Eastern Development CorridorThe City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipalityincludes Alberton, Bedfordview, Benoni, Boksburg,Brakpan, Clayville, Daveyton, Dunnottar, Edenvale,Germiston, Katlehong, Kempton Park, Kwa-Thema,Nigel, Olifantsfontein, Springs, Tembisa, Thokozaand Vosloorus.GGDA subsidiary: Gauteng Industrial DevelopmentZone (GIDZ), the entity responsible for the OR TamboSpecial Economic Zone (OR Tambo SEZ).Ekurhuleni is known as “Africa’s Workshop”because of the enormous concentration ofmanufacturing, particularly between Alrode andWadeville. Logistics is strong because of the proximityof Africa’s busiest airport and there is a long historyGAUTENG BUSINESS 202512
of important rail movements and rail manufacturing,exemplified in the Gibela consortium’s facilityin Nigel. The OR Tambo SEZ focusses on exportorientedmanufacturing through initiatives such asthe Jewellery Manufacturing Precinct.The Central Development CorridorThe City of Johannesburg MetropolitanMunicipality includes Alexandra, Diepkloof,Diepsloot, Ennerdale, Johannesburg, Lenasia,Meadowlands, Midrand, Orange Farm, Pimville,Randburg, Roodepoort, Sandton and Soweto.GGDA subsidiary: Constitution HillDevelopment Company (ConHill).The Central Development Corridor is theeconomic powerhouse of South Africa, contributingapproximately 17% of South Africa’s gross domesticproduct (GDP), mostly through the manufacturing,retail and service industry sectors such as finance,services, ICT and pharmaceutical industries. Sandtonis the richest square mile in Africa and one street inSoweto has been home to two Nobel laureates.Constitution Hill itself is a former prison complex thatthrows light on South Africa’s ugly past and is today amuseum in close proximity to the country’s highestcourt. The GGDA subsidiary aims to use culture andhistory not only to promote understanding but asway of supporting creative enterprises through thearts while rejuvenating the inner city.The Western Development CorridorThe West Rand District Municipality comprisesthree local municipalities, viz, Merafong City,Mogale City and Rand West City, which in turncover the towns of Carletonville, Fochville,Krugersdorp, Magaliesburg, Muldersdrift,Randfontein, Wedela and Westonaria.GGDA initiatives: Chamdor Auto Hub, WestRand SEZ, Lanseria Smart City Project.Mining activity is dwindling and it is no longerthe lifeblood of the West Rand. The intention isto diversify the economy into new areas such asrenewable energy and tourism while building on aparticular strength (through the Busmark factory) inbus manufacturing. Agriculture and agro-processingwill not only create sustainable growth but contributeto food security. The N12 and N14 pass through thedistrict, expanding the potential for such enterprises.Expansion of the Lanseria Airport would potentiallybe a catalyst for further developments.ConHill initiatives in the Central Corridor aresupporting the creative arts.FOCUSThe Southern Development CorridorThe Sedibeng District Municipality comprises threelocal municipalities, Emfuleni, Lesedi and Midvaal,which administer the following towns: De Deur/Walkerville, Devon, Eikenhof, Evaton, Heidelberg,Meyerton, Nigel, Sebokeng, Vaal Marina, Vaal Oewer,Vanderbijlpark and Vereeniging.GGDA subsidiary: Vaal SEZ. Vanderbijlpark is aname that conjures up a particular era, a time whenSouth Africa was rapidly industrialising after WWI.The town literally came into being to produce steeland it formed, together with Vereeniging and Sasolin the Free State, the points in the Vaal Trianglewhich was at the heart of South African heavyindustry. Today is a different time and the Vaal SEZis an attempt to grapple with new realities. A multisite,multi-sector SEZ will spread developmentover the district with a focus on low-carbonmanufacturing and renewable energy production.Agro-processing, logistics, the Blue Economy(related to the Vaal River), light manufacturingand skills development and training (leveragingexisting tertiary institutions) are all sectors that holdpotential. The region already has good transportinfrastructure and the Heineken Sedibeng Breweryhas been expanding. ■13 GAUTENG BUSINESS 2025