OVERVIEWEnergyRoof pergolas have solved a solar problem.SECTOR INSIGHTA PPP is building an 800MWfacility in Merafong.The two hotels of the Marriott Hotel Group within the MelroseArch precinct faced a problem when they set out to installsolar panels on the roofs of the Marriott Hotel Melrose Archand the African Pride Hotel. There was not enough space.SolarSaver, working together with Amdec, the developerresponsible for Melrose Arch, came up with a solution based onthe construction of a web of pergola-like structures, pictured,above the existing roof structures. The installed panels areexpected to reduce costs and cut the hotels’ carbon footprint.Altogether, SolarSaver has 16 systems totalling over 3 281.80kWpwithin Melrose Arch, all of which are managed on a “rent-to-own”model, with a 20-year power-purchase agreement ensuring thatthe client pays only for the green energy produced.The Provincial Government of Gauteng is also pursuing solarsolutions. In February 2024 the Diepkloof clinic in Soweto becamethe first provincial facility to start using the solar panels installedon its roof, and a programme for a further 20 health facilities andschools will be implemented. The plan for the 2024/25 financialyear is for the provincial government to add 300MW, which,together with the installation of smart meters, could stave off twostages of loadshedding.A large private initiative is happening in the western part of theprovince. Sibanye-Stillwater has approved the leasing of 1 600haof its land to independent power producers who will develop aphotovoltaic power station in the Merafong Local Municipality.ONLINE RESOURCESNational Energy Regulator of South Africa: www.nersa.org.zaSouth African National Energy Development Institute: www.sanedi.org.zaSouth African Photovoltaic Industry Association: www.sapvia.co.zaThe aim is to produce800MW and the project is tobe run by a public-privatepartnership (PPP) managedand developed by a non-profitcompany, Bokamoso Ba Rona.The founding partners of theNPC are the Far West RandDolomitic Water Association(FWRDWA), Sibanye-Stillwater,the West Rand DistrictMunicipality and the GautengInfrastructure FinancialAgency (GIFA), representingthe Gauteng ProvincialGovernment.A new research chairhas been created to studyclimate change. The SappiChair in Climate Change andPlantation Sustainability waslaunched by Sappi SouthernAfrica and the University of theWitwatersrand (Wits) in 2023.Professor Mary Scholes of theWits School of Animal, Plantsand Environmental Science,an internationally recognisedauthority on tree physiologyand climate change, will act asthe Research Chair.Developing additionalcapacity in manipulatingand interpreting climatemodellingdata will be apriority. Funding is availablefor one post-doctoral fellowand bursaries for one Master’sand one Honours student. ■GAUTENG BUSINESS 202522PHOTO: SolarSaver
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