8THE INNOVATION HUBFostering innovation for growth in every district of Gauteng.BioPark Phase 3 is under construction at The Innovation Hub inTshwane and is expected to boost revenue streams.The Innovation Hub Management Company (TIHMC), as a Science andTechnology Park, is an innovation agency tasked with spearheadinginnovation initiatives within the Gauteng City Region. TIHMC playsa pivotal role in both conceptualising and implementing innovativeprogrammes in high-growth sectors aligned to the Growing GautengTogether 2030 (GGT2030) initiative, including the digital economy,bio-economy and green economy.At the core of TIHMC’s mandate is fostering entrepreneurship,incubating new ventures and catalysing economic transformation.TIHMC’s focus extends to creating new business opportunities,nurturing entrepreneurial talent and sourcing relevant innovationsto modernise the economy. By providing attractive spaces foremerging knowledge companies and facilitating human capacitydevelopment aligned with industry needs, TIHMC ensures a dynamicecosystem where businesses can thrive. This is achieved by fosteringcollaboration between industry, government, and academic andresearch institutions, reinforcing the constructive collaborationnecessary for the development of innovative solutions.The Innovation Hub is in the City of Tshwane on the edge of thecampus of the University of Pretoria but the unit’s work covers theentire province.TIH’s enterprise development initiatives focus on reducing thedistance and time to market to ensure establishment of sustainableand high-growth startups that support the competitiveness andmodernisation of the Gauteng economy and creation of decent jobs.Based on the solid foundation established to date, TIHMC proactivelysupports entrepreneurs with innovations that address the social andenvironmental challenges faced by Gauteng as well as those thatenhance competitiveness of local industries. Working collaborativelywith industry, government, civil society, academic and researchinstitutions, emphasis is placed on identifying and supportingrelevant and near-market R&D and innovation projects targeted atlocal economic and social challenges and service delivery in line withgovernment priorities.TIHMC encompass a range of sub-programmes aimed at achievingthe above. These initiatives serve as incubators for emergingventures, providing vital business development support andfostering innovation:Maxum Business Incubator: Maxum provides businessdevelopmentsupport to startups in the smart industries: ICT (egInternet of Things, cyber-security, big data and analytics, artificialintelligence) and advanced manufacturing/industry 4.0 (eg industrialIoT, additive manufacturing, foundry 4.0).Climate Innovation Centre Incubator: The programmeprovides support to startups in the South African green economy.Through targeted business-development support, this initiativefacilitates the growth of enterprises committed to addressingenvironmental challenges and driving sustainable innovation.BioPark Incubator: The BioPark Incubator provides businessdevelopment support to startups in the health (biopharmaceuticals,medical devices and diagnostics, indigenous knowledge-basedcosmeceuticals, cosmetics), agriculture (agro/food processing,bioprocessing, smart agriculture) and industrial biotechnology sectors.eKasiLabs Incubator: The eKasiLabs programme is an extension
9of The Innovation Hub’s service offering. Its micro-innovation hubfacilities spread across the five economic corridors in Gauteng wherea culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in townships is fosteredand cultivated. The facilities are in Mohlakeng, Sebokeng, Garankuwa,Soweto, Tembisa, Alexandra, Mamelodi, Kagiso, Kathorus andMabopane, Tsakane, Diepsloot and Danie Van Zyl.Highlights in FY 2023/24• 12 Open Innovation projects contracted• 67 Intellectual Property (IP) applications filed• 10 innovation products developed from the Product Development Lab• 64 product-ready innovations taken to the market by incubatedcompanies• 12 product-ready innovations exported by incubated companies• nine companies graduating from incubation• 389 jobs created through incubated companiesINNOVATION PROGRAMMESThere are two main innovation programmes:The GAP (Gauteng Accelerator Programme) Innovation Competitionis offered in collaboration with the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA),Emory University Business School (Atlanta Georgia) and TshwaneAutomotive Special Economic Zone (TASEZ) and is looking for innovators,researchers and entrepreneurs who are working on novel technologies.GAP winners share in seed funding and cash prizes, as well as receiveincubation services and access to networks.OpenIX is an Open Innovation Exchange that delivers tangiblesolutions to real challenges posted by solution seekers andconnects leading African researchers and entrepreneurs withnew opportunities to commercialise their innovations. OpenIX ispartnered with the City of Tshwane and the Research Institute forInnovation and Sustainability (RIIS).INCUBATION SUCCESSTIHMC’s incubated companies successfully exported their innovationsto various countries, including Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Nigeria,Zimbabwe, the UK and other countries in the course of 2023/24.The total export value of these innovations exceeded R294-million.PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT LABThe overall objective of the Product Development Lab (PDL) is toprovide product development as a service to innovators, wheresolutions will be developed from proof of concept to fully functioningproducts and services. The PDL is located at the TIHMC Park Precinctand tests reliability, readiness and security of solutions before theygo into production. It is envisaged that the establishment of this PDLinfrastructure will:• Stimulate the pipeline for incubation programmes and enhancecommercialisation• Accelerate technological development• Build innovation capacity by equipping individuals with the requisiteskill sets to build innovative solutions• Lead towards technology advancement• Improve local productionMiDesk, a revolutionary wheelie schoolbag that converts into a desk and a chairwith a solar light and USB charging portal, is incubated at eKasiLab Mamelodi andsupported by the Product Development Lab.SKILLS DEVELOPMENTCoachLab ® is a youth skills development programme whileSchools Programme FabLab focusses on schools.CONFERENCE VENUE AND OFFICE FACILITIESThe Innovation Hub has conference and office facilities for hire.CONTACT DETAILSThe Innovation Centre, Mark Shuttleworth Street,The Innovation Hub, TshwaneTel: +27 12 844 0000Email: info@theinnovationhub.comWebsite: www.theinnovationhub.comSMME owners are supported at the Product Development Lab.