12NORTHERN CORRIDORTHE NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDORand increase their revenue to be self-sustainable.GNBR Solutions is implementing a Small EnterpriseDevelopment Agency (SEDA) National Skills TrainingProgramme targeting informal SMMEs in theautomotive and related industries from township andrural areas.The SEDA Business Start-Up training programmecovers the following topics: Marketing the Business,Financing the Business, Managing the Business,Business Compliance (including assisting informalbusinesses with CIPC registration), Business Planningand presentation to potential financiers for funding. Thecourse was presented over a five-day period.A further AIDC programme trains and mentor SMMEsfrom the township hubs in gaining qualifications inquality vehicle repairs. The AIDC continues to monitortheir self-sustainability through revenue generated inspray painting, body repairs, mechanical repair andpanel beating.The total turnover of the Township Automotive Hubs(both Winterveldt in the Northern Corridor and Chamdorin the Western Corridor) was just over R2-million for theFY 2023/24, exceeding the annual target by 19%. Theannual target was exceeded due to an increase of moreprivate vehicles being attracted to the hubs.SKILLSWithin the Northern Corridor, a number of training
13programmes are active, for example the Gauteng AutomotiveLearning Centre and the Winterveldt Hub. In the 2023/24financial year, 285 unemployed young people from localtownships received training.A Trade Test Centre (TTC) has been established within theASP, where trade test assessments with accredited training areoffered. That gap around the formalisation of skills within theautomotive and allied industries is being addressed through theArtisan Recognition of Prior Learning assessment. The followingare the AIDC TTC’s scope of accreditation: diesel mechanic, spraypainter, boilermaker, mechanical fitter, fitting and turning, autoelectrician, auto body repairer and welding.A total of 285 unemployed youth were trained by the AIDC inFY 2023/24 against the annual target of 120. A further 1 440individuals employed in the automotive sector were trained acrossall AIDC training centres against the annual target of 1 300. A totalof 240 trade assessments were conducted at the Trade Test Centreagainst the annual target of 220.Within the Ford and Nissan Incubation Centre, 13 incubatedcompanies generated an amount of R124-million against atarget of R55-million. The overachievement is due to some of thecompany’s employees working overtime and in multiple shifts tomeet the requirements of the OEMs.CONTACT DETAILSAutomotive Industry Development Centre: www.aidc.co.zaTshwane Automotive Special Economic Zone: www.tasez.co.za