2 months ago

Gauteng Province Investment Prospectus 2025

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  • Gauteng
  • Innovation
  • Economic
  • Corridor
  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing
  • Province
  • Economy
  • Johannesburg
  • Township
  • Prospectus
  • Investment
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  • Africa
  • Logistics
  • Fmcg
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Minerals
  • Processing


GAUTENG PROVINCEINVESTMENT PROSPECTUS 2025CONTENTS1 GROWING AS AN INVESTMENT DESTINATION OF CHOICESaki Zamxaka, the Acting Group CEO of the Gauteng Growth and DevelopmentAgency (GGDA), reports on the work of the Agency.2 GROWING GAUTENG TOGETHER – ROADMAP TO 2030Growing Gauteng Together 2030 (GGT2030) guides investment intoinfrastructure for growth.3 GGDA PROFILEThe GGDA is committed to growing the provincial economy.4 GAUTENG AIR ACCESS NETWORKConnecting Gauteng to the world6 INTRODUCTIONAn introduction to South Africa’s economic heartland.7 PROVINCIAL STATISTICSKey statistics of Gauteng Province.8 THE INNOVATION HUBFostering innovation for growth in every district.10 NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDORStrengths include the automotive sector, research and development, innovationas well as the knowledge-based economy.14 EASTERN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR“Africa’s Workshop” is a manufacturing hotspot and the OR Tambo InternationalAirport is a strategic asset.18 CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT CORRIDORInner-city rejuvenation through heritage and the arts.20 WESTERN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDORRe-industrialising for growth and employment.22 SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDORMulti-billion-rand investments are setting the scene for industrial revival.24 INVESTSA GAUTENG ONE STOP SHOP (OSS)Promoting investment and reducing the cost of doing business.PHOTO CREDITS: Cover: Assembly line, Ford Motor Company; solar panels, Zbynek Burival on Unsplash; ORTambo International Airport, ACSA; jewellers, GGDA. Other images: aeroplane, Air Algérie; railway carriage, Gibela;green bottles, Heineken; Johannesburg CBD, THEGIFT777 on iStock; Sandton at night, Arnold Petersen on iStock;scientist at microscope, Chokniti Kongchum/Pexels; steel mill at Vanderbijlpark, Kierano on Wikimedia Commons.Produced by Global Africa Network

1MESSAGEGROWING AS AN INVESTMENTDESTINATION OF CHOICESaki Zamxaka, the Acting Group CEO of the Gauteng Growth and Development Agency (GGDA),reports on the positive environment for investors being created by the work of the Agency.Saki Zamxaka, ActingGroup CEO of the GGDAThe Gauteng Growth and DevelopmentAgency (GGDA) is committedto creating and implementing aninclusive and transformed Gautengeconomy. Our commitment tothe Gauteng province is to continueour efforts to rebuild, revitaliseand reignite all sectors of theeconomy. Gauteng continues to bethe economic epicentre of SouthAfrica and a strategic connectorthat provides easy access to therest of South Africa and the Africancontinent. Our commitment toinclusive economic growth and innovationpositions Gauteng as theeconomic powerhouse of SouthAfrica and a strategic gateway tothe rest of the continent.Gauteng: the economic powerhouseGauteng is the undeniable engine of South Africa’s economy,contributing 34% to the national GDP and consistently outperformingnational growth rates. Post-Covid, Gauteng demonstrated resilience,growing at 2.8% – well above the national average. In 2024,Gauteng grew by 1.5%, double the national rate, underscoring itsrobust contribution to economic recovery and growth.This resilience has solidified Gauteng’s position as a preferredtrade and investment location. At the Gauteng InvestmentConference, key stakeholders reaffirmed the province’sattractiveness for both local and international investors, fosteringconfidence in our economic prospects and opportunities.Facilitating investment and driving growthThe GGDA is proud to have facilitated R52.3-billion in investmentsduring the 2023/24 financial year, of which R21.6-billion camefrom foreign direct investment (FDI). These figures highlight ourrole in fostering investor confidence and catalysing economicgrowth. Our work is supported by initiatives such as theSpecial Economic Zones (SEZs) programme, which has drivenremarkable achievements: the Vaal SEZ attracted R4.6-billionin commitments, exceeding its R2-billion target; the OR TamboSEZ secured over R1-billion in investment, bolstering Gauteng’sposition as a manufacturing and trade hub. Through these SEZs,we are unlocking opportunities in key sectors like automotive,agro-processing, green technology and ICT, ensuring thatGauteng remains a leader in industrial innovation.Catalysing strategic infrastructureInfrastructure remains a critical enabler of economic growth. TheGGDA has made significant strides in delivering catalytic projects,including: the OR Tambo International Airport SEZ precinct;the Chamdor Automotive Hub, supporting industrial growthand employment in the automotive supply chain; the upcomingBio-Science Park by The Innovation Hub, cementing Gauteng’sleadership in green and digital economies.These projects are not only creating jobs but also drivinginnovation and positioning Gauteng as a globally competitive region.Building an inclusive and sustainable economySustainability and inclusivity are at the heart of our mission.Initiatives such as the Township Economy Development Act(TEDA) integrate township businesses into broader value chains,empowering historically disadvantaged groups. The GGDA is alsocommitted to enhancing opportunities for small and mediumsizedenterprises (SMEs), women and youth through tailoredsupport and procurement initiatives. Our subsidiaries, includingConstitution Hill and the Gauteng IDZ Development Company,further exemplify our dedication to heritage-based economictransformation. Constitution Hill, now a mixed-use precinct,continues to attract international visitors, while the JewelleryManufacturing Precinct has strengthened Gauteng’s globalmanufacturing capabilities.Additionally, by 2030, we aim to have 150 companies in theautomotive value chain achieving world-class manufacturingstandards and to see 80% of innovations supported by TheInnovation Hub commercialised. These efforts will ensure thatGauteng not only adapts to global changes but also leads inshaping the future economy.Collaboration and accountabilityNone of this progress would be possible without the steadfastsupport of our partners, stakeholders and the people ofGauteng. Transparency and accountability remain centralto our approach, ensuring that every initiative deliversmeasurable results.Together, we are rebuilding, revitalising and reigniting theeconomy of Gauteng. Our shared vision of an inclusive andprosperous Gauteng City Region is within reach, and we inviteinvestors to be part of this transformative journey.

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