2 months ago

Gauteng Province Investment Prospectus 2025

  • Text
  • Gauteng
  • Innovation
  • Economic
  • Corridor
  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing
  • Province
  • Economy
  • Johannesburg
  • Township
  • Prospectus
  • Investment
  • Business
  • Invest
  • Africa
  • Logistics
  • Fmcg
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Minerals
  • Processing


24INVESTMENTinvestSA Gauteng One Stop Shop (OSS)Promoting investment and reducing the cost of doing business.INVESTMENTThe investSA Gauteng One Stop Shop (OSS) plays a crucial role inpositioning Gauteng as an investment destination of choice.The role of the OSS is to facilitate and fast-track investor issues. Itdoes this by providing an integrated service to investors by facilitatingthe entire value chain, from providing specialist advisory servicesto investors, coordinating efficiencies across various governmentdepartments, to acting as a window for clearance of registration,licensing and permits. In addition, the OSS engages in investmentpromotion and facilitates and supports international missions.The OSS initiative is part of government’s drive to lower the cost ofdoing business. It is the centre that brings together strategic partners thatare key in servicing investors and manages a network of key stakeholders.The queries processed through the investSA Gauteng OSS initiativeare acted upon in partnership with the following partners, but notlimited to:• Visa facilitation service through the Visa Facilitation Service Centre (VFS).• Immigration services through the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).• Tax-related services through the South African Revenue Service (SARS).• Company Registration through Companies and Intellectual PropertyCommission (CIPC).• Various incentives through the Department of Trade, Industry andCompetition (the dtic).• Municipal permits and bulk services through various municipalities.• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) through the GautengDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD).• Energy supply services through Eskom.• SME funding through the Gauteng Enterprise Propeller (GEP).The 10 sectors that have been identified has high-growth sectors inGauteng are:• Energy, new technologies and a diverse energy mix• Transportation and logistics• Tourism and hospitality• Food and beverages• Construction and infrastructure• Industrial cannabis• Automotive, aerospace and defence• Financial services• Cultural and creative services• Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the digital sectorTo improve investor attractiveness and expedite regulatorybottlenecks associated with setting up a business in South Africa, theGGDA launched the investSA Gauteng One Stop Shop. This is part ofan initiative led by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition(the dtic) to coordinate the establishment of the One Stop Shops invarious parts of the country to support investors and exporters withcritical functions in an integrated approach to address concerns onthe ease of doing business in South Africa.The investSA Gauteng OSS supports investors to explore opportunitiesin Gauteng by assisting with information, facilitation and aftercare.Whether you are a prospective investor looking to invest in Gautengor expand your investment in the province, investSA Gauteng is here toguide you through all the stages of your investment journey.About investSAinvestSA is South Africa’s investment promotion agency, which is partof the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic), servingas a link between the foreign investors and business opportunitiescoming to realisation. As part of its strategic offering, investSAprovides One Stop Shop services across South Africa’s nine provinces.Gauteng is the smallest province by geographical size but has thehighest economic activity.

GAUTENGHomeAbout InvestSA in Gauteng Explore Gauteng ContactPartners Connect @ investSA GautenginvestSA Gauteng is uniquely positioned to fostermeaningful connections between key partners –City of Johannesburg, Eskom, and theDepartment of Home Affairs – and investorsoperating in Gauteng. This initiative aims tofacilitate dialogue, address challenges andpromote collaborative solutions that enhance theinvestment climate in the Gauteng region.We urge our investors to use the opportunityto connect with our partners by booking timewith the different stakeholders to helpwith your needs and questions.Our PartnersThe Place 1 Sandton Drive,Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196+27 10 001 - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00About Invest in Gauteng Explore Gauteng Contact C investSA Gauteng 2024

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