2 months ago

Gauteng Province Investment Prospectus 2025

  • Text
  • Gauteng
  • Innovation
  • Economic
  • Corridor
  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing
  • Province
  • Economy
  • Johannesburg
  • Township
  • Prospectus
  • Investment
  • Business
  • Invest
  • Africa
  • Logistics
  • Fmcg
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Minerals
  • Processing


2GGT2030GROWING GAUTENG TOGETHER –ROADMAP TO 2030The Gauteng Provincial Development Plan lays out an integratedapproach to grow the province’s economy sustainably.The Growing Gauteng Together 2030 (GGT2030) plan has beenadopted by the Provincial Government of Gauteng as the templatefor guiding investment into infrastructure for growth.The GGT2030 plan of action draws insights from governmentwideplanning and analysis arising from the work undertaken byseveral contributors such as Stats SA and the Gauteng City RegionObservatory (GCRO), as well as insights such as those shared withinthe Indlulamithi Scenarios 2030.The plan reflects a collective vision for the Gauteng City Region(GCR) at a future date and beyond, towards which one can workwith priority actions and measures of success. GGT2030 is a planof action designed to execute the plan’s seven priorities with 162specific interventions which are designed to achieve concrete results.The seven key priorities of the GGT are:• Economy, jobs and infrastructure• Education, skills revolution and health• Integrated human settlements, basic services and land release• Safety, social cohesion and food security• Building a capable, ethical and developmental state• A better Africa and a better world• Sustainable development for future generationsGGT2030 also reflects and is guided by the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda (NUA), theParis Climate Agreement and the AU’s Agenda 2063. At a nationallevel, the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), the IntegratedUrban Development Framework (IUDF) and the National SpatialDevelopment Framework (NSDF) are relevant while the plan alsocoordinates with provincial plans such as the Gauteng SpatialDevelopment Framework (GSDF) 2030 and the Gauteng City RegionIntegrated Infrastructure Master Plan (GIIMP). Furthermore, localframeworks such as Municipal Growth and Development Strategies,Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) and Spatial DevelopmentFrameworks (SDFs) were all considered in the drafting of GGT2030.The extensive planning process included members of the provincialexecutive, municipalities and district officials, heads of department aswell as officials within provincial departments. The process has beenconsultative, considering views of society at large, with the intentionto create a common understanding among the wide variety ofstakeholders who will ensure that the goals of GGT2030 are achieved.GGT2030 puts Special Economic Zones at the centre ofindustrialisation, spatial structuring, job creation, competitivenessand overall economic development.GGT2030 is a roadmap to a future Gauteng that is a prosperousgateway to a thriving continent and a model for a city region.Economic opportunities within the fivedevelopment corridors of the GautengCity RegionNORTHERN CORRIDORThe Innovation Hub (smart industries, green economy, bio-economy);Automotive Supplier Park; automotive hubs across province; automotiveskills training; supplier development; SMME incubationCENTRAL CORRIDORConstitution Hill precinct development; inner-cityregeneration; creative industries; Transwerke Studios;education; heritage; tourismWESTERN CORRIDORBus manufacturing; solar energy; green hydrogen;cannabis; commercial agriculture; expansion ofLanseria Airport; logistics; planned hi-tech SEZEASTERN CORRIDOROR Tambo SEZ; jewellery precinct; minerals beneficiation;high-value exports; logistics; aerospace; avionics; advancedmanufacturing; agro-processingSOUTHERN CORRIDORVaal SEZ; hydrogen; renewable energy component manufacturing; batteryenergy storage systems; blue economy; agro-processing; cannabis

AFRICA’SUNLOCKING POTENTIALTOGETHERAt the forefront of Africa’s economic transformation, the GautengGrowth and Development Agency (GGDA) along with its stakeholderpartners both public and private has played a pivotal role in drivingindustrialisation, investment, and job creation in South Africa. As partof the GGT2030 Plan, the GGDA focuses on ten high-growth sectors tostimulate sustainable and inclusive growth in Gauteng, South Africa’seconomic powerhouse.FACILITATING INVESTMENT AND JOB CREATIONOver the past year, the GGDA successfully facilitated R52.3 billionin investments across various sectors, creating more than8,000 jobs. These investments are positioning Gauteng as a hubfor innovation, with a thriving export industry contributingR11.2 billion in goods and services to global markets.EMPOWERING SKILLS AND ENTERPRISESBy partnering with industry leaders, the GGDA has trained over1,500 individuals in sectors such as advanced manufacturing andICT. In addition, the agency has empowered 200 SMMEs throughincubation and support programs, boosting local businesses andfostering innovation across township economies.A FUTURE OF GREEN GROWTHThe GGDA is poised to accelerate growth in renewable energy,clean technologies and other key sectors, aiming to facilitateR25 billion in investments and R55 billion in exports by 2025.To learn more about how the GGDA re-ignites, builds andgrows Gauteng, visit

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