4GAUTENG AIR ACCESS NETWORKConnecting Gauteng to the world.In line with the Gauteng Provincial Government’s Growing GautengTogether Vision 2030 and Airports Company South Africa’sdevelopmental agenda to promote inclusive economic growthand development, the Gauteng Air Access Network has been reestablishedto anchor efforts to boost the regional economy.Leading the team is the Gauteng Tourism Authority (GTA), theprovince’s lead destination marketing agency, the Gauteng Growthand Development Agency (GGDA), Gauteng City Region’s lead trade,investment facilitation and promoter of Special Economic Zones,Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), the City of Ekurhuleni,representatives of the other regional corridors of Gauteng andprivate aviation companies.The overall purpose of the network is to enhance air-serviceconnectivity between the Gauteng City Region through OR TamboInternational Airport (ORTIA), supporting airports in the provinceand global getaways. Guiding this work is the expected rise indemand for travel and freight demand in the context of the AfricanContinental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). According to the InternationalAir Transport Association (IATA), it is estimated that air transportin South Africa supports close to half a million jobs, including intourism. Therefore, any increase in airline activities and access isexpected to generate more spending directly by airlines and in theirvalue chain as well as spending generated by the flows of trade andtourism into the province and the region. Air service connectivity isan integral part of the working economy and the establishment ofnew direct regional and intercontinental routes linking the Province
5of Gauteng enables the enhanced movement of goods, people,services and investments.Air Access was originally driven by ACSA, the City of Ekurhuleni andthe Gauteng Tourism Authority. Post Covid the needs of the partnersexpanded and now include Board of Airline Representatives SouthAfrica (BARSA) and Airline Association of Southern Africa (AASA).Although ORTIA is the jewel in the province’s aviation crown, thereare several other assets with great potential. Speaking at a GautengAir Access Network Stakeholder Meeting, GGDA Acting Group CEOSaki Zamxaka encouraged “all stakeholders to think about the rolethey can play to support increased flights into the province via ORTIA,Lanseria International Airport, Wonderboom and the Vaal Airport,once it is functional”.Zamxaka further asserted that, “Airports are a catalyst for growththrough the use of business clusters and innovation” and noted howthe provincial strategy of rolling out of Industrial Development Zones(IDZs), including Special Economic Zones, would be further enhancedby improved connectivity. Improved logistics in getting cargo, rawmaterial and products to and from locations would be attractive toinvestors. Said Zamxaka, “If enough investors can be driven to anIDZ such as Rosslyn and the Automotive Supplier Park, we will startto see an increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and in somecases, Domestic Direct Investment (DDI).”MORE FLIGHTS MORE OFTENAs of March 2023, 46 airlines were flying through ORTIA, five domesticairlines, 38 international airlines and three regional airlines. Newairlines that had been recently added to the roster included Air Côted’Ivoire, Chile’s LATAM Airlines as well as Eswatini Air. FlySafair alsoannounced that flights to Zanzibar would be resumed.Several initiatives of Air Access Gauteng have led to specific successesin improving the Gauteng City Region’s connectivity. These include:• Air Algérie has initiated two flights per week between Algiersand Johannesburg• Eswatini Air is flying twice a week between Johannesburgand Mbabane• SAA has launched a number of new flights to regionaldestinations, including Mauritius, Windhoek, Malawi andLusaka• Air Belgium has started flying to Johannesburg• Air China has resumed its three flights a week schedule(post Covid) between Beijing, Shenzhen and Johannesburg.Nearly 10% of South Africa’s exports go to China.AIR ACCESS BENEFITSExportsLocal manufacturers and service providers can more easily export theirgoods and services through a smoothly functioning and wide air accessnetwork to a range of domestic, regional and international destinations.Imports and supply-chain efficiencyImproved air connectivity allows for the efficient importation of raw materialsand products. This spins off as benefits to manufacturers and retailers,allowing them to source goods at better costs and at greater speed. Thisallows them to be more responsive to market demands.Tourism and hospitalityEnhanced air access attracts international tourists in larger numbers,opening up the Gauteng market to visitors who previously did notknow about the region. This will help the tourism and hospitality sectorsgrow as visitors spend money on accommodation, dining andlocal attractions.Investment destinationA well-connected city and region is more attractive to a foreigninvestor than a badly connected area. This applies not only to theraw materials that an investor might be importing or the speed andefficiency which they might be able to export products, but also topersonal movement of the investor between the country of originand South Africa.Economic growthThe combination of improved trade conditions, favourable investmentclimate and increased tourism driven by air access will make asignificant contribution to economic growth in Gauteng as theprogramme expands.