2 months ago

Gauteng Province Investment Prospectus 2025

  • Text
  • Gauteng
  • Innovation
  • Economic
  • Corridor
  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing
  • Province
  • Economy
  • Johannesburg
  • Township
  • Prospectus
  • Investment
  • Business
  • Invest
  • Africa
  • Logistics
  • Fmcg
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Minerals
  • Processing


6INTRODUCTION GAUTENG PROVINCEPHOTO: OR Tambo International AirportAn introduction to SouthAfrica’s economic heartland.South Africa’s smallest province in terms of land area isalso the country’s most populated, most urbanised, mostindustrialised – and most connected to other parts of thecountry and region. Gauteng is a leader in many fields, notleast in transport and logistics.The OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA), pictured,is a good symbol of that connectivity and that leadership.Not only is ORTIA the busiest airport in Africa but it isincreasingly becoming crucial to a growing export economythat is bolstered by the development of the OR Tambo SpecialEconomic Zone. In addition, Lanseria International Airport isthe largest privately owned international airport in the country.Southern Africa’s railway network comes together inGauteng, with spokes radiating outwards to all parts of theSouth African and SADC compass.South Africa’s administrative capital is Pretoria, which is partof the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality. Apart fromgovernment functions, Tshwane is renowned as the home ofmany academic and research institutions such as Unisa, theUniversity of Pretoria, the Council for Scientific and IndustrialResearch (CSIR), the National Research Foundation and theSouth African Bureau of Standards. Tshwane hosts severalautomotive manufacturing concerns which are thriving in placessuch as the Tshwane Special Economic Zone and the Auto City.Gauteng has two other metropolitan municipalities, the Cityof Ekurhuleni and the City of Johannesburg. Ekurhuleni inthe east contains the ORTIA and therefore is home to many logisticsconcerns, but it is best known for its manufacturing capacity, in which itmakes a huge contribution to the GDP of South Africa.Once known as the “City of Gold”, Johannesburg is now morewidely known as Jozi or Joburg. The reference to gold harks backto the city’s origins in the late 19th century. Now it is the name ofthe province, Gauteng, which means “place of gold” in Sesotho,that carries that history, although gold mining still takes place in thewestern areas.With a population of more than five-million, Johannesburg is thecountry’s most populous city and it is an economic and financialpowerhouse. With a strong suit in financial services and a wide varietyof other sectors, many local and international companies have theirheadquarters in the city. The northern suburb of Sandton has replacedthe city centre as the home of business activity although there areplans to revive the CBD.Two district municipalities are responsible for the western andsouthern parts of the province:• West Rand District Municipality: local municipalities of Mogale City,Rand West and Merafong• Sedibeng District Municipality: local municipalities of Midvaal,Emfuleni and LesediCulture and history are important parts of the Gauteng touristoffering. These include the Cradle of Humankind and more thanone entity focussing on South Africa’s difficult history, includingthe Constitution Hill complex which also celebrates the dawn ofconstitutional democracy. Vilikazi Street in Soweto, where two NobelPeace Laureates (Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela) once lived, isa big attraction. The Vaal Dam and a number of game reserves areexcellent leisure destinations.

KEY STATISTICS IN 2023/247GAUTENG AT A GLANCETHE GAUTENG PROVINCE IN STATISTICSTRADE DEALS FACILITATED BYSECTOR AND DESTINATION MARKETSSECTORBPO 284Construction 675Energy 4Manufacturing 6 170EXPORTVALUE (R000)DESTINATIONMARKETAustralia, Canada,USA, Europe, UKBotswana,Namibia,ZimbabweBotswana, Brazil,Eswatini, Namibia,Australia, New ZealandChina, USA, India,Africa, Middle East,Central AsiaMining technology 2 062 Kenya, India, BrazilSteel 25 Botswana, EswatiniTransport (rail) 1 984Total 11 203Liberia, Namibia,EswatiniINNOVATION HUB PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS• 12 Open Innovation projects contracted• 67 intellectual property (IP) applications filed• 10 innovation products developed from the ProductDevelopment Lab• 64 product-ready innovations taken to the market byincubated companies• 12 product-ready innovations exported by incubatedcompanies• 9 companies graduating from incubationCONHILL: GROSS ECONOMIC IMPACT OF HOSTING EVENTSEVENT ATTENDEES EXPENDITUREGROSS ECO-NOMIC IMPACTBasha Uhuru 1 026 R3-million R4.66-millionHuman RightsFestival4 058 R4.1-million R6.85-millionINNOVATION HUB494 INCUBATION PROGRAMMECOMPANIES WERE SUPPORTED ASFOLLOWS:BioParkClimateInnovation CentreeKasiLabsMaxum Incubator94 companies28 companies299 companies73 companiesBioPark94MaxumIncubatorClimateInnovationCentre299eKasiLabs7328

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