7 months ago

KwaZulu-Natal Business 2024-25

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  • Offgrid
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  • Mondi
  • Richards
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  • African
  • Durban
The 2024/25 edition of KwaZulu-Natal Business is the 16th issue of this highly successful publication that, since its launch in 2008, has established itself as the premier business and investment guide for the KwaZulu-Natal Province. A special feature on the state of the estate market in South Africa notes some features beyond the obvious attractions such as security and coastal living. New factors in the growth of the estate living market include a focus on conservation and nature, developers offering a broader (and lower) price range for buyers of homes and residential estates now becoming part of bigger “precincts” offering other zones such as retail and commercial. Examples from KwaZulu-Natal are cited regarding these new trends. The province’s ports, including the inland Dube TradePort situated at the King Shaka International Airport, were firmly in the spotlight as the first-ever shipment was made out of South Africa in terms of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). If the country is to take full advantage of the agreement then its logistics infrastructure has to run efficiently. To complement the extensive local, national and international distribution of the print edition, the full content can also be viewed online at under ebooks. Updated information on KwaZulu-Natal is also available through our monthly e-newsletter, which you can subscribe to online at, in addition to our complementary business-to-business titles that cover all nine provinces, our flagship South African Business title and the latest addition to our list of publications, The Journal of African Business, which was launched in 2020.

E S T 1 8 5 6 DURBAN

E S T 1 8 5 6 DURBAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY NPC A: 101 Isaiah Ntshangase Road, Durban 4001 | E: W: | T: +27 31 335 1000 @DurbanChamber Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry NPC @DurbanChamber @durbanchamber ABOUT THE DURBAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY NPC The Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry NPC was established in 1856 and is the oldest and largest metropolitan chamber in Africa. As a business-based and eThekwini business community. The Durban Chamber does this by: policy decisions that affect the interests of business (labour laws, tax and business • Offering business support services and advice (CIPC, Human Resources/Capital, more); and with both private and public sector. relevant to decision-making process. CLAIM YOUR EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS BENEFITS InBusinessForABetterWorld CONTENTS KwaZulu-Natal Business 2024/25 Edition Introduction Foreword 5 A unique guide to business and investment in KwaZulu-Natal. Special features Regional overview of KwaZulu-Natal 6 The first shipment of goods under the under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) from the Port of Durban brought into sharp focus the urgent need for the province – and the country – to upgrade its ports and logistics infrastructure. The state of estates 10 South African estates are offering more affordable properties, greener surroundings and a broader range of services and amenities. Economic sectors Agriculture 26 Macadamia nuts are spreading. Forestry and paper 28 Optimising energy in paper and pulp. Mining 30 Afrimat has acquired Lafarge. Oil and gas 31 The Central Energy Fund has bought the SAPREF Refinery. Energy 32 Big manufacturers are going off-grid. Water 33 Major projects are underway. Manufacturing: general 34 Tetra Pak upgraded facility is better and bigger. Manufacturing: automotive 35 The Bell Motor Grader will be made in Richards Bay from 2025. Transport and logistics 36 New terminal boosts logistics capabilities. JOIN US ONLINE ICT 37 Cellphone reception is available in the Drakensberg. Tourism 38 SKYE Hotels and Apartments have great views of Umhlanga. Film 39 Dirt will compete with Where’s the Chicken? Education and training 40 New technologies are being introduced to classrooms. Development finance and SMME support 42 Accelerator programme is reaping rewards. Banking and financial services 43 Old Mutual is a step closer to starting a bank. References Key sector contents 24 Overviews of the main economic sectors of KwaZulu-Natal. KWAZULU-NATAL BUSINESS THE GUIDE TO BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT IN THE KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCE IN BUSINESS FOR A BETTER WORLD 2024/25 EDITION WWW.GLOBALAFRICANETWORK.COM | WWW.KWAZULUNATALBUSINESS.CO.ZA ABOUT THE COVER: Top left, then clockwise: Excellent infrastructure keeps the Mid- South Coast connected (Renishaw Coastal Precinct); the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre Complex hosts events all year round (ICC Durban); forestry is an important sector (Forestry South Africa); Mondi’s Richards Bay Mill is a major contributor to manufacturing (Mondi); Toyota is a top seller in local markets and is geared for export (Toyota South Africa Motors); macadamia nuts are spreading (SCTIE); the Bell Group has launched a heavy industries division (Bell).

KwaZulu-Natal Business A unique guide to business and investment in KwaZulu-Natal. FOREWORD Credits Publishing director: Chris Whales Editor: John Young Managing director: Clive During Online editor: Christoff Scholtz Designer: Tyra Martin Production: Sharon Angus-Leppan Project manager: Chris Hoffman Ad sales: Shepherd Mugero Sadiyah February Dwaine Rigby Gabriel Venter Tahlia Wyngaard Administration & accounts: Charlene Steynberg Kathy Wootton Distribution and circulation manager: Edward MacDonald Printing: FA Print The 2024/25 edition of KwaZulu-Natal Business is the 16th issue of this highly successful publication that, since its launch in 2008, has established itself as the premier business and investment guide for the KwaZulu-Natal Province. A special feature on the state of the estate market in South Africa notes some features beyond the obvious attractions such as security and coastal living. New factors in the growth of the estate living market include a focus on conservation and nature, developers offering a broader (and lower) price range for buyers of homes and residential estates now becoming part of bigger “precincts” offering other zones such as retail and commercial. Examples from KwaZulu-Natal are cited regarding these new trends. The province’s ports, including the inland Dube TradePort situated at the King Shaka International Airport, were firmly in the spotlight as the first-ever shipment was made out of South Africa in terms of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). If the country is to take full advantage of the agreement then its logistics infrastructure has to run efficiently. To complement the extensive local, national and international distribution of the print edition, the full content can also be viewed online at under ebooks. Updated information on KwaZulu-Natal is also available through our monthly e-newsletter, which you can subscribe to online at, in addition to our complementary business-to-business titles that cover all nine provinces, our flagship South African Business title and the latest addition to our list of publications, The Journal of African Business, which was launched in 2020. ■ Chris Whales Publisher, Global Africa Network Media | Email: DISTRIBUTION KwaZulu-Natal Business is distributed internationally on outgoing and incoming trade missions, through trade and investment agencies; to foreign offices in South Africa’s main trading partners around the world; at top national and international events; through the offices of foreign representatives in South Africa; as well as nationally and regionally via chambers of commerce, tourism offices, airport lounges, provincial government departments, municipalities and companies. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations COPYRIGHT | KwaZulu-Natal Business is an independent publication published by Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd. Full copyright to the publication vests with Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd. PHOTO CREDITS | AES; Afrimat; Bel Adone/Wikimedia Commons; Bell Equipment; Coastlands Hotels and Resorts; Dube TradePort; Durban Chemicals Cluster; GCIS; Mondi; Old Mutual; Renishaw Coastal Precinct; Riverside Precinct; St Francis Links Villas; SAPREF; SCTIE; PUBLISHED BY Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd Company Registration No: 2004/004982/07 Directors: Clive During, Chris Whales Physical address: 28 Main Road, Rondebosch 7700 Postal address: PO Box 292, Newlands 7701 Tel: +27 21 657 6200 | Fax: +27 21 674 6943 Email: | Website: ISSN 1995-1310 Shoprite Foundation; Springvale Farm; TNPA; Toyota SA; Umgeni Water; Zimbali Estate. DISCLAIMER | While the publisher, Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd, has used all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in KwaZulu-Natal Business is accurate and up-to-date, the publishers make no representations as to the accuracy, quality, timeliness, or completeness of the information. Global Africa Network will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use of or any reliance placed on such information.

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