4 months ago

Limpopo Business 2024-25

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  • Airports
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  • Investment
  • Business
  • Tourism
  • Opportunities
  • Economy
  • Provincial
  • Mining
  • Sector
  • Economic
  • Province
  • Infrastructure
  • Limpopo

nd Conditions, visit

nd Conditions, visit CONTENTS ICT 36 Digital skills for rural communities. Tourism 38 Golf is drawing attention to Limpopo. Transport and logistics 39 Partnerships are building bridges. Construction and property 42 Builders expands its footprint in Limpopo. Education 43 Building is underway at the University of Venda. Development finance and SMME support 44 Building a solid business, brick by brick. Banking and financial services 48 African Bank has bought Ubank. References Key sector contents 18 Overviews of the main economic sectors of Limpopo. roves ilding rves ment’s erests usts MTN Business ealth, social and lic services. ing today? , government enjoy: with no y (FUP) ed utes ed Ss o call rtphones. 0787 LIMPOPO BUSINESS THE GUIDE TO BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT IN LIMPOPO 2022/23 LIMPOPO BUSINESS THE GUIDE TO BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT IN THE LIMPOPO GUIDE PROVINCE TO BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT IN LIMPOPO PROVINCE JOIN JOIN US US ONLINE ONLINE 2024/25 2022/23 EDITION EDITION MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE The The Musina-Makhado Special Special Infrastructure is a is key a key Economic Zone Zone is a is flagship a flagship project project driver driver in job in job creation and and Limpopo Limpopo Premier Premier Chupu Chupu Stanley Stanley Mathabatha Mathabatha invites invites private private investors investors work to with work the with public the public sector sector in in development I I building building infrastructure infrastructure and growing and growing the economy. the economy. want to want start to by start thanking by thanking Global Africa Global Network Africa Network for sustaining for sustaining the the Limpopo Premier Chupu Stanley Mathabatha outlines his administration’s publication publication of this important of this important magazine, magazine, Limpopo Limpopo Business. Business. I also wish I also to join wish to join Limpopo Premier Chupu Stanley Mathabatha outlines his administration’s priorities welcoming potential investors to the varied economy that is in celebrating celebrating this 12th this edition 12th of edition what of I consider what I consider a premier a premier business business and and priorities in welcoming potential investors the varied economy that is investment investment guide for guide our beautiful for our beautiful Limpopo Limpopo Province. Province. already already receiving receiving interest interest from China from and China elsewhere. and elsewhere. Indeed, Indeed, Limpopo Limpopo Business Business is an important is important partner partner in the continued the continued ABOUT THE COVER: endeavour endeavour to market to and market position and position Limpopo Limpopo as a leading as a and leading most and attractive most attractive business business and investment and investment destination. destination. e are fresh e are into fresh into promise promise of growth of growth and development and development of the economy of the economy for jobs for and jobs and This informative This informative edition once edition again once affords again us affords an opportunity us an opportunity to take you to take you the 6th the Provincial 6th Provincial a decent a quality decent of quality life. This of life. is a This promise a promise which we which intend we to intend keep, to keep, through through the plentiful the plentiful business business and investment and investment offerings offerings our province, of our province, from from Administration working in partnership with all our social partners and stakeholders. Bela-Bela to Musina. Premier Chupu Bela-Bela to Musina. Premier Chupu W Through this publication, you will also learn about great private-public Stanley Mathabatha Through this publication, you will also learn about great private-public Stanley Mathabatha successful successful national national and provincial and provincial partnership partnership investments investments that are the that pulse are the of pulse our provincial of our provincial economy. economy. general general election. election. This was This an was an As you will As you come will to come learn, to Limpopo learn, Limpopo is home is to home a thriving to a thriving mining sector, mining sector, election election which was which fought was on fought the on the tantalising tantalising tourism offerings tourism offerings and a limitless and a limitless potential potential for the agricultural for the agricultural sector. sector. The construction The construction industry industry is one of is the one booming of the booming sectors of sectors the Limpopo of the Limpopo economy, economy, the inherited the inherited legacy of legacy an infrastructure of an infrastructure backlog backlog means that means the that the sector has sector a longer has a future. longer Investment future. Investment in this sector in this is sector an investment is an investment the in the future. Limpopo future. Limpopo Province Province has also moved has also to moved embrace to embrace the new the digital new economy digital economy through through competitive competitive support support infrastructure. infrastructure. The Musina-Makhado The Musina-Makhado Special Special Economic Economic Zone (MMSEZ) Zone (MMSEZ) remains remains our our flagship flagship economic economic development development project. Through project. Through this initiative, this initiative, and through and through partnerships partnerships with the with private the sector, private we sector, hope we to hope stimulate to stimulate economic economic growth, growth, create much-needed create much-needed employment employment opportunities opportunities and reduce and the reduce ballooning the ballooning gap of inequality. gap of inequality. Business Business opportunities opportunities in this SEZ in project this SEZ are project limitless. are limitless. These opportunities These opportunities range from range manufacturing, from manufacturing, agroprocessing, agroprocessing, automotives, automotives, steel, pharmaceutical, steel, pharmaceutical, work, and to strike. logistics and many more. Our work Our is guided work is by guided the conviction by the conviction that without that without ignoring ignoring our our logistics and many more. What is even more tantalising is the fact that this project enjoys the collective collective achievements, achievements, so much so more much can more and can must and still must be done. still be done. What is even more tantalising the fact that this project enjoys the overwhelming overwhelming support support of our National of our National Government. Government. As the Limpopo As the Limpopo Provincial Provincial Government, Government, we have we placed have this placed Musina- this Musina- Infrastructure Makhado SEZ Project at the apex of our priorities. We believe that the only Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, Infrastructure Makhado SEZ Project at the apex of our priorities. We believe that the only Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, WWW.GLOBALAFRICANETWORK.COM available option for us is to make | this WWW.LIMPOPOBUSINESS.CO.ZA project a resounding success. Premier of Limpopo One of the One key of drivers the key of drivers employment of employment creation creation in the province the province is the is the available option for us is to make this project a resounding success. Premier of Limpopo WWW.GLOBALAFRICANETWORK.COM Limpopo is open for business! | WWW.LIMPOPOBUSINESS.CO.ZA ■ government’s government’s deliberate deliberate investment investment infrastructure infrastructure projects. projects. By the By the Limpopo is open for business! ■ end of the end 2018/19 of the financial 2018/19 financial year, provincial year, provincial infrastructure infrastructure expenditure expenditure stood at stood above at R5.5-billion. above R5.5-billion. We look We forward look forward to spending to spending more of more of the province’s the province’s infrastructure infrastructure grants on grants capital on infrastructure capital infrastructure projects projects which will which help will to help stimulate to stimulate the economy the economy and create and jobs create for jobs the for the people of people Limpopo. of Limpopo. Administration working in partnership with all our social partners and stakeholders. after our after most our most Our collective Our collective focus is focus on the creation the creation of jobs, of the jobs, need the to need end to end poverty poverty and and urgency urgency of building of building a better a life better for all. life This for requires all. This requires Top left, then greater focus and clockwise: determination, and our set targets and Sunset objectives in Kruger National Park (SA Tourism/Flickr); greater focus and determination, and our set targets and objectives can only can be only realised be realised through through working working together together as government, as government, business, business, organised organised labour and labour other and groups other and groups organisations. and organisations. platinum As we prepare As (Implats); we prepare to implement to implement the manifesto the ripe manifesto priorities priorities tomatoes of the of the (Deniz Altindas on Unsplash); Palabora ruling party, ruling we party, move we from move a premise from a premise that over that the over past the 25 past years 25 years the lives the of the lives people of the of people South of Africa South have Africa changed have changed for the better. for the better. mine shaft Millions Millions of people (Murray of people have houses, have houses, electricity electricity & and access Roberts and to access clean to clean Cementation); hydrogen fuel-cell truck (Anglo drinking drinking water. Children water. Children from poor from communities poor communities have access have to access to free education. free education. In the past In the five past years five the years number the number of HIV-positive of HIV-positive American); people people on antiretroviral on solar antiretroviral treatment treatment panels has doubled has doubled while the while (Soutpan overall the overall Solar); the Golden Rhino of Mapungubwe (SA rate of new rate infections of new infections is decreasing. is decreasing. Over 17.5-million Over 17.5-million of our most of our most vulnerable vulnerable citizens receive citizens social receive grants. social We grants. advanced We advanced the cause the and cause and rights of workers to organise, collectively bargain, refuse dangerous Tourism/flicker). rights of workers to organise, collectively bargain, refuse dangerous work, and to strike. LIMPOPO BUSINESS 2019/20 7 7 LIMPOPO LIMPOPO BUSINESS BUSINESS 2020/21 LIMPOPO 2020/21 BUSINESS 2019/20 6 6 LIMPOPO BUSINESS 2024/25 8

Limpopo Business A unique guide to business and investment in Limpopo. FOREWORD Credits Publishing director: Chris Whales Editor: John Young Managing director: Clive During Online editor: Christoff Scholtz Business development manager: Shiko Diala Designer: Tyra Martin Production: Ashley van Schalkwyk Project manager: Chris Hoffman Account managers: Shepherd Mugero Sadiyah February Dwaine Rigby Gabriel Venter Vanessa Wallace Administration & accounts: Charlene Steynberg Kathy Wootton Sharon Angus-Leppan Distribution and circulation manager: Edward MacDonald Printing: FA Print The 2024/25 edition of Limpopo Business is the 16th issue of this highly successful publication that, since its launch in 2007, has established itself as the premier business and investment guide for the Limpopo Province. The Premier of Limpopo and the MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism have positive messages for investors in the province’s future, noting the importance of policies and infrastructure developed by Limpopo to enhance the suitability of Limpopo as a destination for development. Increased investment will aid the province in tackling the social and economic challenges that will create a better life for all of the region’s citizens. A special feature focusses on developments related to Limpopo’s two Special Economic Zones, Musina Makhado SEZ and Fetakgomo-Tubatse SEZ. Considerable progress has been made at MMSEZ, with bulk infrastructure being installed and investors signed. An important quadripartite agreement has been signed by national, provincial, regional and local entities, committing to promoting the FETSEZ and setting out how it will be run. News related to mining, agriculture, tourism, construction and property, water, education and development finance is carried in overviews of the main economic sectors. To complement the extensive local, national and international distribution of the print edition, the full content can also be viewed online at www.globalafricanetwork. com. Updated information on Limpopo is also available through our monthly e-newsletter, which you can subscribe to online at, in addition to our complementary business-to-business titles that cover all nine provinces, our flagship South African Business title and the newest addition to our list of publications, The Journal of African Business, which was launched in 2020. ■ Chris Whales Publisher, Global Africa Network Media | Email: DISTRIBUTION Limpopo Business is distributed internationally on outgoing and incoming trade missions, through trade and investment agencies; to foreign offices in South Africa’s main trading partners around the world; at top national and international events; through the offices of foreign representatives in South Africa; as well as nationally and regionally via chambers of commerce, tourism offices, airport lounges, provincial government departments, municipalities and companies. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations PUBLISHED BY Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd Company Registration No: 2004/004982/07 Directors: Clive During, Chris Whales Physical address: 28 Main Road, Rondebosch 7700 Postal address: PO Box 292, Newlands 7701 Tel: +27 21 657 6200 | Fax: +27 21 674 6943 Email: | Website: ISSN 1993-0119 COPYRIGHT | Limpopo Business is an independent publication published by Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd. Full copyright to the publication vests with Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd. PHOTO CREDITS | Anglo American; Baseline; Builders; CHIETA; ELIDZ; Eskom; Exxaro; Fetola; Gap Infrastructure Corporation (GIC); Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; Haenertsburg Trout Association; Limpopo Tourism Agency; Merensky Timber; Murray & Roberts Cementation; Northam Platinum; PBA Projects; Roads Agency Limpopo; SAplants on Wikimedia Commons; SANRAL; SAPREF; SA Tourism/Flickr; University of Limpopo; UNIVEN. DISCLAIMER | While the publisher, Global Africa Network Media (Pty) Ltd, has used all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in Limpopo Business is accurate and up-to-date, the publishers make no representations as to the accuracy, quality, timeliness, or completeness of the information. Global Africa Network will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use of or any reliance placed on such information.

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