Description of the projectThe first phase of the project involves producing more than 77 000 tonnes ofgreen ammonia per year, with a green hydrogen content of approximately 13800 tonnes per year from 2026.The project makes use of renewable energy sources including 180MWp solar,fixed-tilt and single-axis tracking,130MWp of wind and 110MWh of batterystorage.Construction of the ammonia production facility will begin in 2023 and willinclude a 140MW electrolyser and 300 mtpd Ammonia Synthesis, which will beoperational in 2026.The project intends to incorporate next-generation technology that is moreaffordable and more efficient, hence unlocking additional economies of scalethat will make the selling price competitive when compared to greyammonia/hydrogen.
Targeted sectorsProject focuses on the following sector/s: RenewableEnergy; Hydrogen Fuel and Ammonia FertilizerMain Project ContactsOrganisation/Entity: PrieskaPower Reserve / CENECContact Person: Cobus VermeulenDesignation: DirectorTel: 082 444 2219Email Address: cobus@cenec.comInvestment valueThe total value of the project: R 10.7 billionNumber of Jobs to be createdPermanent employees 300 post construction.Supported by 25 Young Professionals and 75 Artisans.