MAINTENANCE,REPAIR ANDOVERHAULINGMRO planned forUpington Airport.PrieskaDe AarTargeted sectorAeronauticsInvestment valueThe total value that is required for the project isR800-million.Job creationA total of 400 jobs will be created by this project.Project financed byThe project will be financed by the private sector withthe government providing enabling infrastructure.Project statusThe business case and feasibility studies have beencompleted.An investor has identified a need to develop an MROin South Africa and the viable location for it is Upingtondue to its arid climate, long airport runaway (5km) andother factors. MRO stands for maintenance, repairand overhauling. The establishment of an IndustrialPark in Upington is also a critical factor which couldlead to the success of this project as it offers lucrativeincentives and other enabling factors.The investor intends to develop an aviation park toaccommodate maintenance, repairs and overhaulof aircraft and research and development. Theseactivities will also include airline storage, dismantling,scrapping, painting and internal refurbishment.PartnershipsThe Northern Cape Economic Development, Tradeand Investment Promotion Agency (NCEDA) is theproject leader. Partnerships are envisaged withthe private sector, provincial government, localgovernment and state-owned enterprises.CONTACTS: UPINGTONUpington Industrial Park, NCEDAContact person: Mr Shawn ModiseTel: +27 53 110 0289Email: and
NAMAKWA IRRIGATIONDEVELOPMENTPROJECTPROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe scope of this project will be to develop approximately3 200ha of high-potential arable land in the NamakwaDistrict. This arable land is located in 11 distinct areas.Each of these have been described, planned and costedindividually. Onseepkans has been identified as the pilotto this larger project and the bulk water system is beingconstructed. Of the identified land, 2 000ha has existingwater licences. A further 1 200ha will have to be secured.The basket of products to be produced varies from cashcrops such as lucerne and grains, but the bulk of thedevelopment is aimed at high-value crops with exportpotential in order to secure significant growth on therequired investment.This development (11 projects) will generate R521-millionper annum in value of production when in full production.This will have an economic impact on various levels of theeconomy. It will lead to an increase in the Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) of the Namakwa District. Additional valuePROJECT LOCATION:will be added through inputs such as machinery andDistrict: Namakwa District, 11 localitiesequipment, chemicals, packing material, fuel, electricity,water, etc. This NUMBER development OF JOBS would TO BE add CREATED: an additionalR200-million The to the impact Namakwa on employment economy due on to a the direct proposed level.Adding the indirect and induced levels, the impact on GDPexceeds R272-million per annum for the entire economy.PARTNERSHIPS at the place of production. With the indirect and• Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and RuralDevelopment (National)• Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and RuralINVESTMENT VALUE:Development (Provincial)The investment value of the 11 localities• IDCis around R1.7-billion.• Khai-Ma Local MunicipalityINVESTMENT VALUEThe investment value across the 11 localities where thisproject will be located is around R1.7-billion.NUMBER OF JOBS TO BE CREATEDThe impact on employment due to the proposeddevelopment is estimated at 3 447 on a direct level,which will include 133 skilled and 1 772 semi-skilledpositions. Most of this direct employment will be atthe place of production. With the indirect and inducedlevels added, the impact on employment increases tomore than 3 945 for the entire economy.INVESTMENTOPPORTUNITIESRESPONSIBLE INSTITUTIONNorthern Cape Department of AgricultureContact person: Dr PS Kegakilwe, Chief DirectorTel: 053 838 9110 | Mobile: 083 554 5583Email: and ccpkegakilwe@yahoo.comNAMAKWA IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT PROJECTdevelopment is estimated at 3 447 on a direct level,which will include 133 skilled and 1 772 semi-skilledpositions. Most of this direct employment will beinduced levels added, the impact on employmentincreases to more than 3 945 for the entire economyKleinzeeHondeklip BayVioolsdriftSpringbokNamakwa DistrictBrandvleiUpingtonSutherlandKathuKurumanColesbergKimberley