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Northern Cape Investment Prospectus 2025

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The Official 2025 Edition Investment Prospectus for the Northern Cape Province of South Africa.

Lfrom is committed

Lfrom is committed concept torom concept tou and partneringu ccess! and partnering ■ccess! ■NORTHERN CAPETHE NORTHERN CAPEYOUR COMPETITIVE BUSINESSJOIN US ONLINETOURISM DESTINATION INSOUTHERN AFRICA2022/23 2023/24JOIN US ONLINE WWW.GLOBALAFRICANETWORK.COM | | WWW.NORTHERNCAPEBUSINESS.CO.ZATHE NORTHERN CAPE TOURISM AUTHORITYPROVIDES2022/06/01 13:03A COMPLETE RANGE OF EVENT-SUPPORT SERVICES.PAGE AN INCENTIVE STRAP DESTINATION: NORTHERN CAPEKIMBERLEY ANN E HOTELKIMBERLEYThe Northern Cape TourismAuthority — Our ServicesThe Northern Cape offers a fu l spectrum ofevent support services to ensurea successful and memorable event.As a local expert, we work closelywith hand-picked suppliers to provideinnovative and professional services.The Northern Cape Tourism Authority’sexpert local knowledge wi l ensure that youhave the best incentive conference, meetingor event in Southern Africa. We assistplanners with finding the most appropriatevenues and service providers, and providedestination information that wi l be suitable,based on event profiles.Discover the Northern Cape, a burgeoning businessevents hub nestled in the heart of Southern Africa. Asthe largest province in South Africa, the Northern Capeblends modernity with a rich tapestry of culture, historyand breathtaking landscapes. It stands as an extraordinarydestination, not only for its dynamic business environmentbut also for the unparalleled experiences it offers.MITTAH SEPEREPERE INTERNATIONALCONVENTION CENTREKIMBERLEY• Bid support for national and internationalevents/conferences/ meetings.• Current databases of Northern Capeproducts• Negotiating rates with hotels, touroperators etc.• Airport welcome and departure desk.• Delegate boosting, hosting and site visits.• Pre- and post-tours and accompaniedperson’s programme.• Assisting with local logisticalarrangements.NARE BOUTIQUE HOTELKIMBERLEYhas something much more awe-inspiring tooffer. Aptly nicknamed “the Gateway to theUniverse” for the breathtaking views that itsclear night skies offer, Sutherland is a topdestination for stargazing. The town ishome to the South African AstronomicalObservatory and the Southern African LargeTelescope.• Dune Boarding: With the incredible dunesfound at Witsand Nature Reserve, the placeof the Roaring Sands of the Kalahari, theNorthern Cape is a popular sandboardingdestination. The area has many localoperators that offer both sandboardinglessons and tours; a l levels are welcome.Setting the stage for global business eventsThe Northern Cape boasts proven capacity and worldclassinfrastructure, making it a prime choice for majorinternational business events and meetings. Our diversityextends beyond warm hospitality and rich culture – it’sreflected in our ability to deliver a dynamic, flexible and avalue-for-money experience. The Northern Cape TourismAuthority serves as your “one-stop solution”, offeringimpartial advice and comprehensive assistance for hostingbusiness events in the province.PROTEA HOTEL UPINGTONUPINGTONContact infoDianna MartinGeneral Manager Marketing and Promotions |Business TourismEmail:dianna@experiencenortherncape.comWeb: Experiencenortherncape.com30 Business Events Africa March 2023Yvette Diedericks60 McDougal Street,Kimberley, 8301Tel: +27 53 492 RoomsConferencing: 32 peopleOwen Coetzee2-4 West Circula roadBig Hole PrecinctKimberleyTel: +27 (0) 72 492 8326Email: and events:23 – 2500 paxTsholo Wesi2 Halkett Road, Albertynshof,Kimberley, 8301Tel: +27 53 880 0800Email: 12Conferencing: 80 paxTerence Maasdorp24 Schroder Street Upington8801 South AfricaTel: +27 (0) 54 337 8400Email: of Rooms: 90Conferencing: 6 – 170paxDianna MartinGeneral Manager: Marketing & PromotionsMobile: +27 (0)71 362 6665Telephone: +27(0)53 492 0311 Fax: +27 (0)53 831 2937Email: businessevents@experiencenortherncape.comWebsite: www.experiencenortherncape.comPROTEA HOTEL KIMBERLEYKIMBERLEYPLATFONTEIN LODGE &CONFERENCE CENTRESPRINGBOKSPRINGBOK INNSPRINGBOKAFRICAN VINEYARD GUEST HOUSEKANONEILAND, UPINGTONConferences and meetings amid natural splendourSuperior venues are strategically positioned throughoutthe province, accessible via major highways and centrallylocated airports in Kimberley and Upington. The MittahSeperepere International Convention Centre in Kimberleystands as a testament to our commitment to excellence,accommodating up to 1 000 delegates. Moreover, ourhotels provide versatile and fully equipped meeting spaces,ranging from 600 guests in Kimberley to 250 in Upingtonand 200 in Springbok.Incentives that leave a lasting impressionReward your incentive groups with experiences thattranscend the ordinary. The Northern Cape offers a uniqueblend of natural beauty, diverse cultures, award-winning foodand wine, luxury accommodation and unforgettable wildlifeencounters. Our efficient infrastructure ensures seamlessprogrammes, making the Northern Cape an unparalleledchoice for incentive and meetings programmes.Full-spectrum event supportThe Northern Cape Tourism Authority provides acomplete range of event-support services, ensuring yourMeryl-Lee Vogt(Sales Executive)The Kimberley Big Hole,West Circular Road,Kimberley CBDTel: +27 (0)53 802 8200Email:kimberley@proteahotels.comWebsite:www.proteahotels.comConferencing: 30 – 220paxGPS Co-ordinates:S28 44 25.0 / E24 45 18.0Nolan EilerdFarm 68, R31 Road to Barkly West,Platfontein, Kimberley, 8301Ce l: +27 (0) 60 797 7583Email:’33.7” S 24o36’43.4”ERay FrancoAddress:Tel:Email:Conferencing:Elmarie de BruinPlot 79, Kanoneiland, 8806.PO Box 1071, Upington, 8800,Northern Cape, South AfricaTel: +27 (0) 60 503 roomsConferences, Weddings,Functions - up to 150 peoplewww.businesseventsafrica.comAn ExtraordinaryMeeting and IncentiveDestination!Welcome to the Northern Cape, one of Southern Africa’sfastest growing business events destinations. This province, the largestwithin South Africa, is a modern growing region with a choice of meeting venues withsophisticated technology and accommodation to meet every price point. It further featuresa landscape brimming with dramatic beauty, a rich culture and history with ancient wisdoms,warm hospitality, and some of the world’s greatest “Bucket List” experiences on offer.NORTHERN CAPE – SOUTHERN AFRICANCTA Busine s Brochure A3-A4.indd 1 2023/02/20 14:47:55event is not only successful but also memorable.As local experts, we collaborate with hand-pickedsuppliers to offer innovative and professionalservices tailored to your needs.Our services:• Bid support for national and internationalevents/conferences/meetings• Current databases of Northern Capeproducts• Negotiating rates with hotels, touroperators, etc• Airport welcome and departure desk• Delegate boosting, hosting and site visits• Pre and post tours and accompaniedperson’s programme• Assistance with local logistical arrangementsEmbark on a transformative business journey inthe Northern Cape.Contact us at:marketing@experiencenortherncape.comto unlock a world of possibilities for your nextbusiness event.

NATIONAL INCENTIVE SCHEMESThe national Development of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), in collaboration withother public and private sector entities, has developed a number incentives schemes to assistwith the growth of certain sectors. These national incentives schemes are listed below.PROGRAMME• Technology and HumanResources for IndustryProgramme (THRIP)• Support Programme forIndustrial Innovation (SPII)• Global Business Services (GBS)Incentive• Film and TV Production• Export Marketing InvestmentAssistance (EMIA)• Sector Specific AssistanceScheme (SSAS)• Capital Projects FeasibilityProgramme (CPFP)INNOVATION CLUSTERINCENTIVES• A 50% to 90% cost-sharinggrant to maximum R8-millionper annum for three years forapproved project engagedin applied research anddevelopment in science,engineering and technology.• Matching scheme that providesfinancial assistance in theform of a non-taxable grantfor qualifying costs incurred indevelopment activity associatedwith a specific project to amaximum of R5-million.SERVICES INVESTMENT CLUSTEREXPORT CLUSTER• Reimbursable cost-sharing grantof 30% to 50%, maximum ofR20-million for qualifying costs.Score based on economic benefitcriteria.• For productions with various QSAPEamounts, various percentage andcalendar days requirements maybe waived and such discretion willtake into account the budgetaryimplications of the decision made.• Return airfares, subsistenceallowances, the cost of sampletransportation and various othercosts may be covered in respectof costs related to marketing,missions and trade fairs.• Project Funding. A reimbursable80:20 cost-sharing grantscheme.• Emerging Exporters. 100%of the cost to a maximum ofR1.9-million per project.• Reimbursable contribution up toa maximum of R8-million.PROGRAMME• BlackIndustrialistsScheme (BIS)• AquacultureDevelopment andEnhancementProgramme(ADEP)• StrategicPartnershipsProgramme(SPP)• Agro-ProcessingSupport Scheme(APSS)• AutomotiveInvestmentScheme (AIS)MANUFACTURING INVESTMENT CLUSTER• Special EconomicZone Fund (SEZ)• CriticalInfrastructureProgramme (CIP)INCENTIVES• A 30% to 50% cost-sharing grant of up toR50-million. Offers support on a cost-sharingbasis towards capital investment costs,feasibility studies, post-investment supportand business development services (to themaximum of R2-million).• Reimbursable cost-sharing grant of 30% to50%, maximum of R20-million.• A maximum of R15-million per financial year ona 50:50 basis.• Reimbursable cost-sharing grant of 20% to30% to a maximum of R20-million.Non-taxable cash grant of• 20% of the value for light motor vehiclemanufactures and• 25% of the value of qualifying investmentin component manufactures and toolingcompanies.INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT CLUSTER• Preferential taxes (including 12i Tax Allowance)• Bulk infrastructure (electrical sub-stations,water storage, sewerage treatment andpumping, etc)• Top structures• Business development (pre-feasibility studiesand feasibility studies, technology testing andtraining, EIA and general research linked toplanned investment and clusters)Registered private entities and local governments(municipalities, excluding metropolitanmunicipalities).Types of supported projects,capped at R50-million:• strategic infrastructure feasibility studies• generic investment• South African film and TV studios and cinemas• state-owned testing facilities• state-owned industrial parks• distressed municipalities or investors in suchmunicipalities

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