3 months ago

Service Issue 88

  • Text
  • Skills
  • Training
  • Education
  • Government
  • Governance
  • Services
  • Hydrogen
  • Mpumalanga
  • Transition
  • Innovation
  • Electricity
  • Infrastructure
  • Economic
  • Municipalities
  • Economy
  • Sector
Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.


Sskills developmentCHIETA’s Smart Skills Centres have had a huge effect. Pleasetalk to us about the Skills Centres as well as the impacts theyhave made.The centres have already had a substantial impact in the lastfinancial year, equipping 15 653 rural community members withfuture-ready skills. They offer interactive and immersive learningexperiences using VR, AI and advanced manufacturing tools. Thesecentres address both the present and future needs of the industryby offering on-demand training solutions. The centres have Smartboardrooms for SMMEs to meet, plan and trade. A total of 630SMMEs have benefitted from the Smart services.When it comes to converting emerging technologies andtechnology disruption into opportunities for industry, what arethe most important elements of this strategy?The key is integration, ensuring new technologies are embeddedinto our training frameworks, and partnerships with industry10 | Service magazine

skills developmentSleaders who can provide insights into real-world applications.CHIETA also ensures that emerging technologies are accessible tolearners through our Smart Skills Centres and training programmes,fostering skills in AI, automation and renewable energy.As one of South Africa’s youngest CEOs, what drives you andwhat do you attribute your success to?When I look into the mirror, I want to see a better innovator whoexperiments daily with every new opportunity. I want to see ahumble person who shows care and concern for others so as to upliftand amplify the potential of people. I bring my personal valuesinto my leadership roles and practice them to achieve good results,high performance and high impact. For instance, being humblecan be a leadership strength in which your team wants you to winand supports you in every decision because they feel valued andappreciated by you as their leader.I bring my personal values into myleadership roles and practice them toachieve good results, high performanceand high impact.project management. We will be collaborating with the Services SETAto convert their existing Skills Centres in Mkhuze and Prieska intoSmart Skills Centres. This is what disruption in skills developmentand training looks like. SGREEN HYDROGEN CENTRE OF SPECIALISATIONPlease talk about the Green Hydrogen Centre of Specialisation.The Green Hydrogen Centre of Specialisation is a strategic initiativeaimed at positioning South Africa as a global leader in greenenergy technology. It’s a collaboration between CHIETA, MiningQualifications Authority (MQA) and Transport Education TrainingAuthority (TETA), focusing on developing skills for the hydrogeneconomy. This centre is central to our efforts in driving the transition toa low-carbon economy. The Green Hydrogen Centre of Specialisationwill be the first of its kind globally and will produce the skills neededto grow our nascent green hydrogen economy in South Africa.CHIETA’s new initiatives on green hydrogen have positioned itas an innovation leader in the space. Please discuss CHIETA’sresearch and initiatives in this regard.CHIETA will be contributing to the growth of the green hydrogeneconomy through five pathways of development. First, throughqualifications development in green hydrogen production. Threenew qualifications will be developed by CHIETA. This will include agreen hydrogen production practitioner, green hydrogen technologypractitioner and a green hydrogen fuel transporter.Second, through awarding discretionary grants for green hydrogenskills development. We have just awarded a R1.8-million grant to Sasolfor electrolysis simulators and green hydrogen fuel cell systems.Third, through supporting startups and SMMEs in greenhydrogen. We have established a Green Hydrogen EntrepreneurshipFund for this purpose.Fourth, through career guidance in schools, especially ruralschools, to build awareness for a hydrogen-empowered society.And our fifth and final intervention will include specificprogrammes to support women, youth and people with disabilitiesin green hydrogen.Please outline your partnership with the Services SectorEducation and Training Authority (Services SETA).Our partnership with the Services SETA is focused on cross-sectorcollaboration to develop transferable skills that can benefit both thechemical and services sectors. By working together, we ensure thatskills development is holistic and responds to the needs of multipleindustries, particularly in areas like customer service, technology andCHIETA CEO, Yershen Pillay, alongside TETA CEO, MaphefoAnno-Frempong, and MQA CEO, Dr Thabo Mashongoane,spearheaded the establishment of the Green Hydrogen Centreof Specialisation (CoS) project to address the pressing needfor hydrogen skills in the country.“As a leader in the provisionof training in the chemical industry, we are pleased to work withcolleagues from MQA and TETA to help create skills neededto tap into the opportunities in the rapidly emerging hydrogenspace,” said Pillay.CHIETA’s leadership in this initiative will ensure the centreoffers hybrid training focusing on Continuous ProfessionalDevelopment, aligning with the increasing demand for upskillingand reskilling in the rapidly evolving green hydrogen andderivatives industry. CHIETA’s active involvement in fosteringthis collaboration is seen as crucial for the CoS’s success.It enables shared resources, expertise, market reach, riskmitigation and alignment with government priorities.These specialised courses will be available at select tertiaryinstitutions and TVET colleges, complementing existing degreesand NQF Level 5 or higher occupational qualifications. Thisapproach underscores a dedication to delivering top-tier trainingthat meets industry needs.The CoS will tackle various aspects of the green hydrogenvalue chain, drawing on the skills mapping conducted by theDepartment of Higher Education and Training. By addressingthese value chain elements, the CoS establishes itself as acomprehensive training hub.Service magazine | 11

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