3 months ago

Service Issue 88

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Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.

Sroad safetyRoad safety

Sroad safetyRoad safety iseveryone’s responsibilityWhile government efforts focus on raising awareness and ensuring adherence to traffic regulations, road safety is ultimatelya shared responsibility.By Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa*As the festive season approaches, tens of thousands of peopleembark on journeys to their hometowns or holiday destinationsacross South Africa. The coastal provinces of KwaZulu-Natal andthe Eastern Cape are especially busy during this time, with manytravellers choosing road transport.Together, we can make roads saferRoad safety is a collective responsibility. Every road user, fromfreight operators to holiday travellers, must commit to practicingcaution and care on the roads.National roads such as the N3 from Johannesburg and theN2 become particularly congested in December, as domestic andinternational tourists head to coastal destinations. This period marksSouth Africa’s peak travel season and a busy time for businesses likeCoca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA).Safety isn’t just a seasonal focus or something we highlight duringTransport Month in October or the festive season. It’s an everydaycommitment that starts with each of us every time we get behindthe wheel.CCBSA Coastal has a duty to ensure the safety of its drivers, assetsand fellow road users. With a significant number of trucks operatingin KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape, the company plays a criticalrole in promoting road safety.Building a foundation of safetyRoadworthy vehicles are fundamental to road safety. All CCBSAtrucks undergo rigorous, regular audits to ensure they areroadworthy. If every road user maintains their vehicles – payingattention to essentials like tyres, brakes and lights – especiallyfor long-distance travel, we can significantly improve road safety.In addition to vehicle maintenance, CCBSA conducts annualrefresher training for drivers, covering road rules and generaldriving behaviour.Roadworthy vehicles are fundamentalto road safety.12 | Service magazine

transportSHealthy drivers, safer journeysAt CCBSA, we place a strong emphasis on ensuring our drivers arefit for purpose. Fatigue is one of the greatest dangers on our roads,especially in a country like South Africa where journeys often spanhundreds of kilometres.To combat fatigue, CCBSA enforces strict rest policies. Driversmust take breaks every 200 kilometres to relax, stretch and refresh.For routes exceeding 12 hours, company policy mandates two driversper truck, alternating behind the wheel. Proper trip scheduling alsoensures drivers remain rested and focused.Staying ahead with smart planningAccurate weather forecasting plays a crucial role in road safety.By closely monitoring weather forecasts, we proactively avoidsending trucks into hazardous conditions. CCBSA also uses internalforecasting tools to optimise route planning, anticipate customerdemands and enhance operational efficiencies. These measures helpmanage resources effectively and ensure safer road usage.Our commitment to every road userAs a large business, our operations may differ from a family headingon holiday, but the principle remains the same: road safety iseveryone’s responsibility.It’s essential to adhere to basic operating rules to ensure everyone’ssafety – not just during the festive season, but every single day. Byworking together, South Africans can help ensure a safer festiveseason for all. S*Written by Thokozani Nkosi, Logistics Manager for Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA) Coastal Region.Service magazine | 13

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