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Service Issue 88

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Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.

Sfuneral servicesAn

Sfuneral servicesAn ethos of collaborationand unityEstablished in 1998, Tshebedisano Burial Society is a 100% black female-owned business in Soweto.The Burial Society caters for all offering a range of services.WWhere does the name Tshebedisano come from?The name “Tshebedisano” means “working together” in Sesotho. Itreflects the company’s core mission of reaching out to communities,providing support, and making life easier for families during theirmost difficult times. The ethos of collaboration and unity is evidentin the services Tshebedisano Funerals offers, ensuring families canfocus on grieving while the company handles all funeral preparationswith professionalism and compassion.We offer exhumations, cremations, tombstones and other funeralservices for the public as well. In addition to the services that weprovide, we also offer add-ons like voucher cards that we loadmoney on for our clients to buy groceries with. Our other servicesinclude grave closures, décor at the home and cemetery, flowers andrepatriation (if people move into other regions, we have a prepaidplan for repatriation). We offer catering services and the after-tearssetup (when guests get together after the funeral). We also offerphotography, live streaming and videography and we offer a portraitof the deceased that is painted by an artist.How does one go about starting a funeral business?First, you have to be a registered company, and you must register tobe a financial services provider with the Financial Sector ConductAuthority (FSCA).Please share your achievements as a business.I am self-taught in business and technology. I’ve implementedinnovative structures that remain effective today. I’ve transitionedfrom renting a space to owning and building a dedicated facility forthe business. I’ve improved services and expanded offerings, attractingclients from diverse backgrounds, including celebrities and prominentfigures not only that but I’ve proudly created numerous employmentopportunities within the community, empowering local individuals toadvance in their careers. My recent accolades are as follows:• I was recognised in the United States for contributions tothe funeral industry in 2011 and in the same year, I wasrecognised as the Businesswoman of Soweto.• Received an international leadership award in New Orleansin 2013.• I was fortunate to accept an award on behalf of theArchbishop Desmond Tutu in New Orleans.• I’ve won multiple business awards through Rocci and FNB,securing silver, bronze and gold in one day.• The most recent achievement was being honored with theAfrican Excellence Award from the UK in August 2024 forcommunity service.Please outline your funeral policy.The funeral policy serves as a payment plan underwritten by aninsurer. Key features include flexible usage of cover. Clients maychoose to bury with Tshebedisano Funerals or another provider. If theclient chooses another funeral parlour, they receive the insured coveramount as a payout and for funerals conducted by Tshebedisano, thecover amount translates into comprehensive services.What advice would you give other people entering the burialsociety business?Tshebedisano Funerals is committed to ensuring that everyclient, regardless of their financial status, receives a dignified andmeaningful funeral. We prioritise compassion, ensuring that clientsfacing financial hardships can rest assured their loved ones will behonoured with care and respect.• If you are in the funeral industry, I recommend that you alwaysbe transparent and honest with your clients.• Provide clear guidance and deliver on promises.• Approach every funeral with dedication and ensure it leaves alasting impression.22 | Service magazine

funeral servicesS• Treating every client with equal care, regardless of how muchthey can afford.• Build long-term relationships by providing exceptional servicebecause loyal clients will spread the word, reducing the needfor extensive marketing.• Be willing to assist those in need, even if it means making sacrifices.• Believe in helping disadvantaged clients often creates goodwillthat multiplies over time.• Lastly, it’s the need to always be innovative, avoid imitatingcompetitors; instead, focus on what matters most to yourclients. Stay innovative and adapt your services to meet theevolving needs of the community.What sets you apart from other funeral parlours?There are four key factors that set us apart:Collaboration and partnership. Tshebedisano Funerals doesn’t justprovide a service — we work closely with families, ensuring everyaspect of the process is tailored to their needs.Luxurious and personalised experiences. The company goesbeyond basic services, offering luxurious touches that bring comfortand dignity to families during difficult times.Compassionate approach. The emphasis on assisting financiallystruggling clients reflects a deep commitment to the community.Unwavering dedication. Eachfuneral is handled with the utmostcare, ensuring the company leavesa lasting positive mark on everyfamily it serves.Business will comeflowing yourway if you servicepeople with passionand loyalty.By combining integrity, empathyand innovation, TshebedisanoBurial Society has built a legacy oftrust and excellence in the funeralindustry. SPamela Motlabi, Director,Tshebedisano Burial Society.

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