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Service Issue 88

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  • Hydrogen
  • Mpumalanga
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Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.

SminingReimagining water

SminingReimagining water in mining andfinding solutions for theenvironmentThe mining industry is often the cornerstone of developing economies, but the industry is now on the cusp of a significanttransformation due to the increased and much-needed emphasis on a more considered approach to resource management.By Etienne Jooste, CEO of Close Up MiningAAs the world increasingly prioritises sustainable practices, miningcompanies are making efforts to address the impacts of the slowevolution to current efficiency levels, particularly on water resources.This shift is not merely a response to regulatory pressures; it’s astrategic solution for the industry’s long-term viability challengesand a testament to a broad commitment to environmentalstewardship. Miners recognise that responsible water managementis not just an ethical obligation but a business necessity. Thetwofold challenge is significant, from preventing contamination ofgroundwater and surface water to minimising water consumptionin our often-arid regions.However, we see these challenges as opportunities for innovationand leadership. The industry is actively researching and developinginnovative solutions to address groundwater contamination caused bymining activities. Researchers in China are exploring the use of alkalinefilling materials to neutralise acidic mine drainage (AMD) and preventheavy metal leaching. Additionally, they are developing comprehensiveutilisation and safe disposal processes for hazardous waste materials,such as arsenic-alkali slag, generated during mineral processing. We areinvesting heavily in developing advanced water treatment technologiesthat are revolutionising the way we manage water.Advanced water treatment systems, including bioremediationand advanced filtration, are enabling us to recycle and reuse waterto an unprecedented degree. We are also exploring nature-basedsolutions, such as constructed wetlands, to further purify water andcreate valuable habitats for wildlife.These innovations are not only environmentally responsible butalso make business sense, reducing operational costs and ensuring areliable water supply for mining operations.Technology is only part of the solutionThere is an equal commitment to fostering a culture of sustainabilitythroughout mining organisation and operations. This meansengaging with local communities to understand their water needsand concerns, working collaboratively to develop solutions thatbenefit both the environment and the people who depend on it.We believe that true sustainability is achieved through partnershipand dialogue.The mining industry has a unique opportunity to lead the way insustainable water management. South Africa began actively involvinglocal communities in discussions and the decision-making processesin 2010 to better understand their specific water needs and concerns.24 | Service magazine

miningSThis collaborative approach helps to build trust and ensures thatAMD management strategies align with the interests and prioritiesof the affected communities. In Mpumalanga, the country’s coalheartland, organisations are working with local communities toeducate them about their rights and legal avenues to address thenegative impacts of mining on their water and food sources.By empowering communities with knowledge and advocacyskills, they can effectively engage with mining companies andgovernment agencies to demand better environmental practicesand remediation measures.The future of mining isinextricably linked to the futureof water.Additionally, community-based organisations like Mining AffectedCommunities United in Action (MACUA) and Women Affectedby Mining United in Action (WAMUA) have also been formed toamplify the voices of affected communities and advocate for theirrights to clean water and a healthy environment.These collaborative efforts between authorities and communitiesare crucial for finding sustainable solutions to groundwatercontamination and ensuring the well-being of those affected bymining activities.Open communication and transparency are essential for gainingcommunity support and cooperation, which are vital for thesuccessful implementation and long-term sustainability of AMDmitigation measures.Collaborative solutionsBy embracing innovation, collaborating with stakeholders andinvesting in research and development, we can create a future wheremining operations have a net-positive impact on water resources.This means not only minimising negative impacts but also activelycontributing to the restoration and enhancement of water systems.This vision is not just aspirational; it’s achievable. We are alreadyseeing promising results from our efforts, and we are confident thatother mining companies can achieve similar success.The key is to adopt a holistic approach that considers theentire lifecycle of water, from extraction to treatment and reuse.It also requires strong partnerships between mining companies,government agencies, research institutions and local communities.By prioritising sustainable water management, we can ensure thelong-term viability of our industry while protecting the environmentand the communities we serve. SService magazine | 25

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