3 months ago

Service Issue 88

  • Text
  • Skills
  • Training
  • Education
  • Government
  • Governance
  • Services
  • Hydrogen
  • Mpumalanga
  • Transition
  • Innovation
  • Electricity
  • Infrastructure
  • Economic
  • Municipalities
  • Economy
  • Sector
Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.


Championing changethrough innovationFounded in 2019, after years of rigorous research and testing, AlgoAtWork was born from the frustration of two individualswho recognised the shortcomings of the traditional education system.AAlgoAtWork is more than just a training and development hub – it’sthe launchpad for South Africa’s next generation of entrepreneurs,engineers and innovators. With a strong focus on hands-on educationin cutting-edge technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence (AI)and the Internet of Things (IoT), AlgoAtWork offers accreditedcourses that seamlessly integrate into industries such as mining,energy, agriculture and health. Our mission is clear: to bridgethe digital divide and empower youth, professionals and industryleaders with the skills to innovate, disrupt and lead in the FourthIndustrial Revolution (4IR).Our story: a journey of innovationThe founders of AlgoAtWork envisioned an institution that wouldprovide accessible, affordable and high-quality technology educationto all, particularly those that are in the underserved areas of SouthAfrica. Our belief is simple: the power to change lies within everyone,and at AlgoAtWork we equip people with the tools and skills tounlock that potential.Making an impactSince our inception, AlgoAtWork has been at the forefront ofshaping the future of tech education in South Africa. Throughour research and development arm, AlgorhythmLab, we havedriven digital innovation with collaborations in coding, AI,robotics, IoT and more. The Algorhythm Living Lab is ourflagship project, developed in partnership with the TechnologyInnovation Agency (TIA), the Department of Science andInnovation and Sekhukhune TVET College in Limpopo. Thispioneering initiative is a hub for innovation and technologicaladvancement in the region.The Living Lab allows participants to develop machines andtechnologies tailored to the needs of key economic industries. Incollaboration with the Sekhukhune TVET College Centre forEntrepreneurship & Rapid Incubator (CfERI), this cutting-edgefacility provides hands-on training in robotics, AI, IoT and more,equipping the youth with the tools to lead in a digital future.In 2023, we partnered with Arm (E3)NGAGE to roll outrobotics programmes in underserved communities, with ourChief Technology Officer, Tshega Mampshika, serving as the ArmAmbassador. These partnerships aim to cultivate talent and drivetechnological advancements that will propel South Africa forward.Addressing South Africa’s skills gapSouth Africa faces a critical skills gap in the rapidly evolving digitaleconomy. AlgoAtWork is addressing this need with comprehensive,hands-on training designed to equip participants with the skillsrequired for today’s job market and entrepreneurial ecosystem.From the city of Johannesburg to rural areas in Ulundi, KwaZulu-Natal, our impact is nationwide, empowering individuals not only tosecure employment but also to innovate and lead.Our accredited occupational certificate in IoT developmentis just one example of how we meet the growing demand forIoT professionals. Through a mix of theory and real-worldapplication, graduates are prepared for roles like IoT developers,system integrators and data analysts. Armed with these skills,our participants are ready to compete in global markets whilecontributing to South Africa’s thriving technology ecosystem.Fostering innovation: the Makers ClubInnovation is at the core of our mission, and our AlgorhythmMakers Club accelerator hubs exemplify this. The clubs providean environment where ideas come to life. By giving students andprofessionals access to state-of-the-art tools and expert guidance, weturn concepts into reality. Whether it’s a tertiary student developingtheir first prototype or a professional exploring advanced AI, theMakers Club is a space for learning, collaboration and creativity.In the city of Johannesburg, we have partnered with the TATAConsultancy Services to form the TATA Consultancy Services MakersClub in collaboration with Oceans Ahead and Regent BusinessSchool. With the TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) Makers Club,we aim to upskill and transform our youth’s future with our NQFThe world’s future innovators at the TATA Consultancy ServicesMakers Club, equipped with cutting-edge IoT training and a passionfor transformative change.

educationSLevel 04 accredited IoT training programme designed specificallyfor the youth.Shaping the future of entrepreneurshipAlgoAtWork’s programmes go beyond skills training; they ignitean entrepreneurial spirit. Our Innovator Accelerator Programme,also known internally as, “AlgoAtWork Mafia” helps aspiring techentrepreneurs navigate the journey from concept to commercialisation.Many of our participants have gone on to launch successful technologystart-ups, secure funding and compete both nationally and internationally.One shining example is our junior engineer, Alex Dodd, whothrough the AlgoAtWork Mafia, has secured funding for his solarpoweredMars Rover prototype. As Dodd puts it, “AlgoAtWork taughtme that change doesn’t come from waiting – it comes from action.”We are dedicated to levelling theplaying field, ensuring every youngmind we touch is inspired.The CHIETA Robotics ClubIn 2022, AlgoAtWork partnered with the Chemical IndustriesEducation & Training Authority (CHIETA) to launch the CHIETARobotics Club in KwaZulu-Natal, impacting communities inEmpangeni, eThekwini (Durban) and Babanango, Ulundi, at theCHIETA Smart Skills Centre. This initiative focuses on STEMeducation and innovation, empowering over 450 young traineesto become the changemakers of tomorrow. We are committed tokeeping our programmes accessible and impactful, ensuring thatyouths from all backgrounds can engage with the digital economy.The CHIETA Robotics Club, an initiative of AlgoAtWork andCHIETA, envisions a future where every young mind, regardlessof their circumstances, is equipped with cutting-edge STEMknowledge. By focusing on robotics and coding, we strive to be abeacon of hope and opportunity, ensuring underprivileged studentsare not left behind in the rapidly evolving digital age.Our mission is to provide unparalleled STEM education, witha special emphasis on robotics and coding, to students fromdiverse backgrounds. We are dedicated to levelling the playingfield, ensuring every young mind we touch is inspired, equippedand ready to face future challenges with confidence and skill.The dream behind the CHIETA Robotics Club is to create a worldAlgoAtWork’s mission is to provide unparalleled STEM education withan emphasis on robotics and coding.where underprivileged children don’t just dream of the future –they actively shape it. Fully funded by CHIETA and managed byAlgoAtWork, the CHIETA Robotics Club movement is about drivinginnovation and STEM education to unlock economic opportunitiesand foster social development. Our goal is simple: equip youngminds with the tools for the future of work, close the skills gapin science, technology and innovation, and deliver quality STEMeducation to those who need it most.A vision for the futureLooking ahead, AlgoAtWork is poised to lead the charge in 4IReducation. Our goal is not only to prepare individuals for jobsbut to empower them to create jobs, innovate and lead. As SouthAfrica embraces 4IR, we are proud to be at the forefront of thistransformation, equipping the next generation to think creatively,innovate fearlessly and drive meaningful change.Partner with us as we continue this journey of transformation.At AlgoAtWork, we’re not just building the workforce of tomorrow– we’re creating the companies that will shape the future, today. SService magazine | 1

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