3 months ago

Service Issue 88

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  • Mpumalanga
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Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.

StourismCollaboration in

StourismCollaboration in hospitality andtourism set to strengthen SASouth Africa’s hospitality and tourism industries have a critical role to play in boosting economic development. In a land sobeautiful and varied, the opportunity to influence lives and livelihoods is significant.By Chris Godenir*AAccording to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the contribution oftravel and tourism to South Africa’s GDP is expected to grow by 7.6%every year over the next decade, playing a major role in driving thecountry’s economic recoveryWhile this opportunity is largely being leveraged, there is stillroom for growth, which is why we’re seeing more and more industryplayers coming together to invest in this untapped potential. Inhis speech at Africa’s Travel Indaba in Durban, Deputy Minister ofTourism Fish Mahlalela emphasised this, defining hospitality andtourism operators as “catalysts of change, and architects of a futuredefined by cooperation and collective success”.Here are three ways in which leading travel organisations areseeking to contribute positively to South Africa’s future:Improving collaborationInformation sharing, open dialogue and collaborative problemsolvingare critical in effecting change. Strong lines of communicationhelp industry players to identify common areas of concern, and todevelop and implement relevant solutions. While relationships havealways existed between different organisations in hospitality andtourism, and between the private and public sectors, a lot of workhas historically happened in silos.Today, however, cross-collaboration within the sectors is on therise, with relevant organisations and parties taking the chance tohave their say. Input from small artisanal suppliers, rural localmunicipalities, large hospitality providers, big industry associationsand everyone in between is encouraged. And sector leaders arestriving to dissolve boundaries and bureaucratic red tape so thatthey can foster a culture of partnership and collective action.Driving transformationHistorically, hospitality and tourism providers tended to operateindependently from the communities of which they were a part. Thiswas especially the case in remote and rural areas where, sadly, theyhad the potential to exert the greatest impact. Fortunately, this haschanged dramatically in the democratic era, and will continue to bea priority going forward.Organisations have integrated corporate social investmentinitiatives into their modus operandi and now work closely withcommunity structures, donate to worthwhile causes and partner32 | Service magazine

tourismSUnemployment is one of theSouth African government’slargest priorities.with local non-governmental organisations to make a difference. Ofcourse, this work leads naturally into another key area: job creation.Prioritising job creationUnemployment is one of the South African government’s largestpriorities, and every sector has a responsibility to play their rolein addressing it. Approximately 4.5% of South Africa’s populationis employed in the tourism industry, many of who support severalfamily members and dependents.Hospitality and tourism are in a unique position to assist people insome of the most remote regions in South Africa, particularly in areaswhere local economies are changing as sectors become automatedor as mines close. If companies come together to train, upskill andhire people to perform critical functions, in hospitality, tourism andbeyond, they could start to move the needle on unemployment inthe country.One of the most important ways in which companies across thesesectors are collaborating is through an initiative called the Art ofCreation. A cross-sector forum set up by Dream Hotels and Resorts,the Art of Creation aims to bring leaders in tourism together to formpartnerships, to address challenges proactively and holistically, andto work together towards common goals.This journey depends on clear communication, open debate andinnovative, future-focused thinking. With these criteria in place,industry leaders in hospitality and tourism can create long-lastingand meaningful change, contributing to a more prosperous futurein South Africa. S*Chris Godenir, the General Manager of Dream Hotels and Resorts’Peninsula All-Suite Hotel in Cape Town, recently won the Hotel GeneralManager of the Year Award.Service magazine | 33

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