3 months ago

Service Issue 88

  • Text
  • Skills
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  • Government
  • Governance
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  • Hydrogen
  • Mpumalanga
  • Transition
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  • Electricity
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  • Municipalities
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Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.

Sprovincial focusAn

Sprovincial focusAn Entity of the Department of Economic Development and TourismMpumalanga: your world-classtourism destinationMpumalanga is one of South Africa’s provinces endowed with natural attractions and experiences bound to astoundany traveller.EExpediently dubbed South Africa’s adventure capital, Mpumalangaoffers an array of activities ranging from abseiling, white water riverrafting, fly-fishing, paragliding, mountain biking, bungee jumping,hiking and 4X4 trails to name a few.The province is undoubtedly the ultimate destination in termsof wildlife experience. The Kruger National Park, the Sabi SandsPrivate Game Reserve and other game reserves dotted throughoutthe province offer an exhilarating and unequalled experiencethat brings visitors in close to nature. The Kruger Park boasts aconservancy area spanning two-million hectares rich with floraand fauna.The Lowveld escarpment (Panorama Route) offers spectacularlandscapes with attractions like the Blyde River Canyon (thirdlargestcanyon in the world), majestic waterfalls and high-altitudescenic drives leading to attractions like God’s Window, Pinnacle Rock,Bourke’s Luck Potholes and the Three Rondavels.The Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve is a 22 500ha reservethat is one of Mpumalanga’s most accessible tourist attractions andis listed in the top 10 “must-see” destinations in South Africa. Hikingin the canyon is one of the most popular adventure activities. TheBlydepoort Hiking Trail follows the contours across the face of thecanyon through indigenous forests and over rivers. Hikers can optfor varying duration hikes using any of the several overnight, selfcateringtrail huts.Mpumalanga has a highly visible cultural heritage which todaymirrors the very evolution of Southern Africa, from the early Sanrock art to the beadwork of the modern-day Swazi and Ndebelepeople. The province is a real treasure of artistic and culturaldiversity. Apart from the displays found in museums and artgalleries, the emphasis today is to recreate the past in living museumsand villages where visitors can experience the many aspects of theseinteresting cultures.The province also claims a rich heritage. The myriad heritagesites include the Samora Machel monument near Mbuzini and theBarberton Makhonjwa Mountains World Heritage Site boasting rockformations dating back to more than 3.5-billion years. Other sites notto be missed are the mining village of Pilgrim’s Rest, the HighveldHeritage Route abound with adventurous tales into history, the stonecircles of Mpumalanga and Goliath’s Footprint to name just a few.Dr Esther Mahlangu is one of the icons in the province thatcontinues to promote the Ndebele culture. Following traditionspassed down for generations, her mother and grandmother taughther traditional Ndebele wall painting and beadwork as a child.She became an expert in executing murals as a teenager, using awidening range of paint colours that emerged in the 1940s. Todayshe is a renowned icon with her work being recognised worldwide.Mpumalanga showcases the Gert Sibande Liberation HeritageRoute that celebrates freedom fighters, who fought for justice andfreedom from oppression, as well as the destinations that featuredprominently during the liberation struggle.Bird watchers can have a glimpse of more than 500 different birdsendemic in the Kruger Park and the Chrissiesmeer town situated inMsukaligwa Local Municipality.The Midveld offers trout fishing opportunities in pristine riversand dams with Dullstroom referred to as South Africa’s trout-fishingMecca. The Ndebele culture in the Nkangala district is home tocultural legends like Sarah Mahlangu who have managed to preserve,package and export the colourful culture to international countries.Mpumalanga is an ideal golf destination with a myriad of worldclassgolf estates and courses that provide sheer enjoyment ofthe game in complete serenity. Our establishments are ideal forbusiness tourism, with its cutting-edge conference facilities, culturalexperiences and magnificent natural landscapes. Mpumalanga is“where business meets add-venture”.Get off the beaten track and explore the many other offerings onoffer. Visit for more information. SFollow us on the following social media platforms:• Facebook: Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency• Twitter: @Mtpatourism• Instagram: @mpumalangatourismBig Swing at Graskop.36 | Service magazineBourke’s Luck Potholes.

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