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Service Issue 88

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  • Skills
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  • Hydrogen
  • Mpumalanga
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  • Economy
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Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.


SeconomyPARTNERSHIP FOR DUBE TRADEPORTThe Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Parks Tau,announced of a R1.175-billion partnership between Toyota SouthAfrica Motors and Ogihara South Africa at the Dube TradePort SEZ.Minister Tau praised the venture as a critical step towardsadvancing South Africa’s localisation strategy within theautomotive industry, which aligns with the South AfricanAutomotive Masterplan (SAAM) objectives.The newly established Ogihara production facility, based atthe Dube TradePort, will significantly enhance local automotivemanufacturing. The plant will increase the local content of popularToyota models such as the Hilux, Fortuner and Corolla, in line withthe localisation targets of SAAM, aiming for 60% by 2035.“Investments like these not only strengthen local value chainsbut also position South Africa at the forefront of innovation as webuild the industrial capacity required for the next generation ofautomotive production,” said Tau.Dube TradePort.MALUTI-A-PHOFUNGMaluti-A-Phofung SEZ in Harrismith, Free State, lies at the midpointof the crucial Durban-Johannesburg logistics route. This SEZoffers exporters a logistics base that facilitates access to the Portof Durban, and intermodal logistics solutions for the transfer offreight between road and rail. The zone is well-suited and licensedfor general TAMBOThe OR Tambo IDZ supports the growth of the beneficiation ofprecious metals and minerals sector, with a focus on light, highmargin,export-oriented manufacturing of South African preciousand semi-precious metals. The multi-site development at OR TamboIDZ consists of several industry-specific precincts and will bedeveloped in phases over a 10- to 15-year period.DEPUTY MINISTER VISITS OR TAMBO SEZThe Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, ZukoGodlimpi, says the jewellery manufacturing precinct locatedin the OR Tambo SEZ is on track to strengthen South Africa’smineral beneficiation strategy.“The full development of the jewellery manufacturing precinctprovides export-focused investors at the precinct access toincentives packaged as part of the national SEZ programme,which is driven by the dtic,” Godlimpi said.The dtic has contributed R507-million for top structuredevelopment through the SEZ fund. The zone currently hasseven operational investors. An additional eight companiesare busy with factory fitment processes and will be in operationbefore the end of the financial year.OR Tambo.40 | Service magazine

economySMusina/Makhado.MUSINA/MAKHADOThe Musina/Makhado SEZ comprises two locations that addressunique industrial clusters: the Musina site targets the lightindustrial and agro-processing clusters, while the Makhado site is ametallurgical/mineral beneficiation complex. A third site has beenidentified to target the petrochemical industries.The SEZ is strategically located along the N1 north-south routeinto the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Itforms part of the Trans-Limpopo Spatial Development Initiativeand has been developed as part of regional plans to unlockeconomic growth and develop AUTOMOTIVEThe Tshwane Automotive SEZ (TASEZ) is in Tshwane, Gauteng.Its proximity to an established automotive industry allows forincreased economies of scale and scope, thereby lowering the costof doing business. The SEZ offers world-class customised solutions,incentives, support services and systems for Automotive.THE TASEZ CENTRE OF EXCELLENCEArtisans and skilled SMMEs are the key levers that will helpSouth Africa open the economy and allow the country to deliveron its infrastructure development programmes. Our NationalDevelopment Plan requires that by 2030 the country shouldbe producing 30 000 qualified artisans a year. Currently, thecountry produces some 20 000 qualified artisans each year.While this is a significant achievement, TASEZ is playing a rolein increasing that figure.Large-scale developmental and engineering projects are inthe pipeline, as is clear from the Industrial Policy and StrategyReview that was launched in May 2024. The review identified therapid scaling up of infrastructure spending as a priority, with greenindustrialisation, intra-African trade and embracing the digitaltransformation as three key focus areas.It is fitting to set up a training academy in an SEZ. By focusingon skills development within SEZs, the government, in partnershipwith international and local businesses, can empower communitymembers, create diverse job opportunities.We are looking at the growth of the new energy vehicle marketand the rapid changes brought about using AI. The exchangeof know-how can share evolving innovations, develop localcapabilities, creating communities of highly-sought-after workers,as well as improving productivity for tenants.By harnessing the potential of SEZs, South Africa can fostersustainable development, improve living standards and create aprosperous future for their citizens.Lionel October, TASEZ Board ChairNAMAKWAIn May 2024, the premier of the Northern Cape announced thedesignation of the Namakwa SEZ, marking a new era of industrialand economic prosperity for the province. Spanning 1 270 hectares,this groundbreaking project aligns with national industrial policy,underscoring the province’s commitment to economic growth,innovation and sustainable development.The SEZ has secured a significant investment of R29.3-billion,led by anchor investors Vedanta Zinc International and FrontierRare Earths, demonstrating confidence in the province’s potential.This substantial investment will catalyse economic growth, createjobs and stimulate innovation across various sectors.The Namakwa SEZ is the cornerstone of the Northern CapeIndustrial Corridor, harnessing the province’s abundant naturalresources and transforming them into economic mechanisms. Itwill enable the province to pioneer sustainable industrial pathways,contributing to the global green economy and aligning with theNorthern Cape Green Hydrogen Strategy. This SEZ will create arobust economic ecosystem, fostering small, medium, and microenterprises (SMMEs) and stimulating innovation. It will provideenhanced opportunities for the people of the Northern Cape, fromdirect employment to new business ventures within the ecosystemand value chains.The Namakwa SEZ is also poised to accelerate the BoegoebaaiGreen Hydrogen development programme by attracting OriginalEquipment Manufacturers to the SEZ, thereby enabling greentransformation and pathways to net-zero emissions by 2050. S

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