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Service Issue 88

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Service - leadership in Government is a quarterly magazine addressing key issues related to government leadership and service delivery in South Africa.

Sgood newsPublic-private

Sgood newsPublic-private partnerships provetheir power once againTHE FUTURE IS HERE: ICONIC VISION FOR SIBAYA PRECINCT RELEASEDMaster developer, Devmco Group, shares its concept for the Sibaya Precinct that is future-focused and sets a global standardof living supported by eThekwini municipality.HHaving been masterfully brought to life, the Sibaya Precinct is theonly KwaZulu-Natal node recognised as one of South Africa’s topaffluent suburbs to date. “We look forward to taking on the roleof master developer of this high-performing area in the province,continuing the good foundation and original progressive vision,adding our own unique stamp on it. Our expansive new vision willinject R5-billion into KwaZulu-Natal’s economy including substantialprivate investment – creating over 70 000 jobs over the next fiveyears,” explains Schalk Theunissen, MD of Devmco Group.Catalytic development successesThe precinct boasts 1 300 residential units and freestanding homesand over 20 commercial and retail offerings developed in Phase 1,achieving remarkable milestones since its launch in 2016. The overallprecinct has experienced significant growth with a total populationof 7 035 (as of June 2024). This has resulted in an increase ofapproximately 71 adults (28 families) per month moving into thearea since December 2021.To date, the precinct has achieved R6-billion in sales, underscoringits appeal as a destination of choice. The combined Umdloti andSibaya residential market stock has grown by 192% between 2021and 2024.Where tomorrow beginsSteven Angelos, eThekwini’s senior programme manager for northregion for catalytic projects, confirms the eThekwini Municipality’ssupport and excitement around working with the Devmco teamto unlock some of the key infrastructure within this node. “This isa key project for us in terms of the broader aerotropolis and thesocioeconomic benefits it will bring to the city that includes jobcreation and the potential rates income. We will continue to workwith Devmco as we did with Tongaat Hulett to realise the vision forthe node,” Angelos enthuses.“The Sibaya Precinct has shown how an effective vision that iswell-executed can create a destination of choice. With the continuedsupport of eThekwini Municipality and dedicated management42 | Service magazine

good newsSteams, Sibaya Precinct is set to fast-track development into anew-age, mixed-use lifestyle offering and we are excited to be partof this,” says Devmco group’s commercial director, Brad Winstanley.According to Winstanley, new retail and commercial developmentsfeaturing corporate headquarters, medical facilities and flagshipbranded stores are part of the intended roll-out.“Private road networks will be upgraded and continually maintained,ensuring that commercial and retail residents have seamless access tonational road networks like the M4 and N2,” adds Theunissen.Sustainability at the coreIn alignment with the precinct’s commitment to sustainability, DevmcoGroup has set aside 60% of the land for preservation. This undevelopedgreen space will feature dedicated parks, trails and a signature lookoutpoint offering panoramic views across the Sibaya Precinct. This balancebetween development and preservation reflects a respect for the naturallandscape that surrounds the precinct allowing residents and visitorsalike to connect with the beauty of the coast and forested areas.Open parks, secure public amenities and landscaped spaces will tieinto the existing trail routes and 350-hectare protected forest. Theinternal road networks will be pedestrianised.“Sibaya Precinct is a leader in sustainable living, with publicdevelopments like Marine Walk Shopping Centre featuringsolar power, rainwater harvesting, natural light and abundantgreen spaces. These eco-conscious designs in public spacesand within residential estates meet the needs of today andhelp towards planning for a sustainable future, making SibayaPrecinct a sought-after, environmentally friendly community,”says Theunissen.Economic growth and job creationAs Sibaya Precinct’s new vision unfolds, it will bring a powerful boostto KwaZulu-Natal’s economy. Sibaya Precinct has already become ablueprint for precinct living and is set to become a destination ofglobal standards. Here, the future is not just imagined – it’s beingbuilt, one milestone at a time. SAs Sibaya Precinct’s new vision unfolds,it will bring a powerful boost toKwaZulu-Natal’s economy.Service magazine | 43

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