7 years ago

Western Cape Business 2018 edition

  • Text
  • Nedbank
  • Sectors
  • Growth
  • Finance
  • Government
  • Africa
  • Management
  • Infrastructure
  • Transport
  • Opportunities
  • Energy
  • Development
  • Wesgro
  • Vodacom
  • Investment
  • Cape
  • Business
  • Tourism
  • Economic
  • Municipality
The 2018 edition of Western Cape Business is the 11th issue of this highly successful publication that, since its launch in 2005, has established itself as the premier business and investment guide for the Western Cape. In addition to the regular articles providing insight into each of the key economic sectors of the province, there are special features on the growth of tourism (spurred by an innovative programme designed to create more direct flights to Cape Town), medical technology as a growth sector and the pursuit of excellence that drives the Cape Winemakers Guild. The journal contains a message from Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities, and contributions from significant business leaders from Accelerate Cape Town, the Cape Chamber of Commerce and the Western Cape Business Opportunities Forum. An interview with Tim Harris, Wesgro’s CEO, reveals some of the recipe for the province’s economic success. Updated information on the Western Cape is also available through our monthly e-newsletter, which you can subscribe to online at, in addition to our complementary business-to-business titles that cover all nine provinces as well as our flagship South African Business title.

INTERVIEW Andile Nomlala

INTERVIEW Andile Nomlala Advocating for a fundamental shift Andile Nomlala, Provincial Chairperson of the BMF Western Cape, outlines the measures taken to move transformation forward. Please outline the main objectives of the Black Management Forum. The Black Management Forum in the Western Cape has positioned itself to be a catalyst for transformation in a province where our recent past still finds expression in how companies are run but also in how we relate to one another. This requires a fundamental shift in mindset that the BMF continues to advocate for. What is the BMF’s current focus? We have two main focus areas. To continue to advocate for greater representation of black professionals in corporate Western Cape through the promotion of laws such employment equity. We have established an HR desk that provides talent placement services within companies. Also, to fast-track enterprise development through cooperation with corporate Western Cape and other relevant stakeholders. BIOGRAPHY Andile Nomlala has more than nine years’ experience as an entrepreneur. His business investments cover industrial properties, valet services and a financial services company, Deposit4U. His background is in investment and finance. He holds an Honours degree from the Graduate School of Business (UCT): a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice and an MBA, Executive. Andile was recently recognised by the Independent Media Group as the finalist in South Africa’s Top 100 young independents in 2017: Innovator category. What are some of the BMF’s most recent achievements? The establishment of our branches in Century City with the support of ABSA Bank and in Cape Town through Allan Gray, PwC, Engen, Woolworths and Old Mutual, driven by the increased membership. The launch of the Transformation Forum, one of our key legacy projects. Hosting the inaugural Black Excellence Awards addressed by former Deputy Chief Justice, Dikgang Moseneke. The awards showcase black managerial excellence. The various categories include Business Personality of the Year, Progressive Company of the Year and Manager of the Year. How would you characterise the relationship with civil society, labour unions and government? The BMF is a non-partisan organisation and we welcome engagements with all types of organisations if there is common ground. We also welcome individual members from different sections of society and organisations. We always first seek to cooperate, and then contest where we are not satisfied with measures taken. Case in point: we engaged Parliament and the Presidency on the appointment of the NYDA board. We have been involved in arbitration efforts for the #Feesmustfall movement with a view to finding a lasting solution. Our strategy consisted of bringing all relevant parties together. WESTERN CAPE BUSINESS 2018 112

West Coast Business Development Forum PROFILE West Coast West Working together to grow the West Coast economy. Aims and objectives • Establish robust and reliable dialogue of large firms with relevant bodies in the public sector. • Prioritise and reduce stifling factors, case-by-case. • Focus on growing the West Coast District economy. Structure • Up to 20 large/leading firms in the West Coast District (in terms of size and innovation) • Government: municipal, provincial, national • Relevant State-Owned Entities (SOEs) • Representatives of key sector clusters could be invited to join at a later stage. Membership Firms: ArcelorMittalSA, Club Mykonos, Duferco, Kaap-Agri, Kropz, Mittal, Mineral Sands Resources (MSR), Oceana, Pioneer, PPC, Sea Harvest, Swartland Boudienste, Tronox. Government: Bergrivier Local Municipality, Cederberg LM, Matzikama LM, Saldanha Bay LM, Swartland LM, West Coast District Municipality. Province: Department of Economic Development and Tourism, covering water, environment, energy, infrastructure and Spatial Development Frameworks. National: National Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Industrial Development Corporation: National Infrastructure Plan has various Strategic Integrated Projects. Number 5 centres on Saldanha-Northern Cape development corridor and includes a focus on: Integrated rail and port expansion: • Back-of-port industrial capacity (including an IDZ). • Strengthening maritime support capacity for oil and gas along African West Coast. • Expansion of iron-ore mining production and beneficiation. State Owned Enterprises: IDZ, Eskom, Transnet Ports, Transnet Rail. Processes • Meetings – every fourth Tuesday of the month excluding December. • EzyED online group collaboration – ongoing value addition eg raise and resolve issues, inform others. Roles and responsibilities • Work together as a team, across institutional boundaries. • Participate and contribute to productive meetings. • Ongoing, anytime solution development and online group collaboration. • Record progress and keep everyone informed. • Work as a cross-institutional team to raise and resolve issues. • Discuss and build solutions for a more vibrant West Coast economy. • Promote the West Coast and support others doing the same. CONTACT INFO WCDM Co-chairpersons Johan Vorster and Frank Pronk Secretariat West Coast District Municipality (Strategic Services Office) Tel: 022 433 8400 Email: Business Development Forum 113 WESTERN CAPE BUSINESS 2018

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